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Major Program In History

The History Major should appeal to students whose ambitions include graduate work in the discipline, a career in law, journalism, education, or government.

It is important that students considering a History Major carefully read the following instructions.


Note: The requirements outlined below apply to students entering the Major Program in History in Fall 2004. Students who declared their major before 1 January 2004 should consult the UCC Calendar 2003/2004.

Students usually declare their Major before the start of their third year of courses. All candidates are assigned a Major Program Advisor and they must meet to ensure that they qualify and so that an appropriate selection of courses can take place.

Before students can declare their Major they must have met the admission requirements for the B.A., as indicated above. As well, they must have successfully completed no fewer than 6 credits in History courses numbered 100-199 and no fewer than 6 credits in History courses numbered 200-299, either at UCC or at other accredited institutions.

Of the courses taken outside of History in preparation for the Major, it is recommended that foundation courses in the Social Sciences be included, as well as the appropriate historical surveys of:

  1. literature in the various departments of language;
  2. thought, as offered in various Philosophy and Politics courses; and
  3. the arts in areas like Visual and Performing Arts.

Third and Fourth Years

  1. Students must take 33 credits in History courses numbered between 300 and 499, including History 300 and cross-listed courses from other disciplines.
  2. Entrance to any 400-level course requires no fewer than three credits in 300-level History courses.
  3. All History Major students must take HISTORY 300: The Historian's Craft in their third year. This course will be offered every Fall and Winter term and will be taught on a rota basis (i.e.: by a different faculty member every term.
  4. Of the thirty-three credits required of the Major in History, at least nine but no more than fifteen upper-level credits must come from one of the geographic fields (i.e.: British, European, American, and Canadian).
  5. Of the thirty-three credits required of the Major in History, at least three upper-level credits must come from courses in each geographic field (i.e.: British, European, American, and Canadian).
  6. Of the thirty-three credits required of the Major in History, at least nine must be taken at the 400-level.
  7. Of the forty-five lower- and upper- level credits in History required of History Major students, no fewer than six must be from Canadian History.
  8. Students are strongly encouraged to include in their programs material from both before and after ca.1800.
  9. It is acceptable to include, in place of upper division History courses, the following courses from other discipline areas.

    One of: Geography 327 and 328, 427; Philosophy 419; Film 414.

See Also

Major Program

Major in Aboriginal Studies - in collaboration with the Faculty of Arts, Simon Fraser University (SCES/SFU Program, Kamloops)

Major Program in Economics

Major Program in Economic and Political Studies

Major Program in English

Major Program in Geography

Major Program In Mathematics

Major Program in Political and Economic Studies

Major Program in Psychology

Major Program in Sociology

Minor Program (Only available in conjunction with a Major)

Double Major Program

Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Journalism