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Double Major Program

It is possible for a student to complete a double Major. However, students should be aware that this option requires careful course planning and will normally involve taking additional courses in order to complete all of the basic B.A. requirements as well as the specific Major requirements for two subjects. To graduate with a Double Major, a student must include in the 120 credits required for the degree at least 42 credits in each of two disciplines. At least 30 credits in each discipline must be in courses numbered 300 or above. In addition, six credits must be taken in 300-400 level courses in disciplines which do not offer a Major Program (Anthropology, Fine Arts, French, Philosophy, Political Studies, and Theatre).

See Also

Major Program

Major in Aboriginal Studies - in collaboration with the Faculty of Arts, Simon Fraser University (SCES/SFU Program, Kamloops)

Major Program in Economics

Major Program in Economic and Political Studies

Major Program in English

Major Program in Geography

Major Program In History

Major Program In Mathematics

Major Program in Political and Economic Studies

Major Program in Psychology

Major Program in Sociology

Minor Program (Only available in conjunction with a Major)

Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Journalism