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Major Program in Geography

The Geography Major Program at UCC emphasizes work in human geography and specifically in areas of cultural/historical, environmental and urban geography. Course work in these areas will appeal to students interested in graduate work in human geography or careers in urban and rural planning, law, resource development and regulation, archives and museums, education, parks and government.

Program Requirements

Students must normally declare their Geography major before entering the third year of the B.A. Program. All candidates must meet with the Major Program Advisor in Geography to plan their course selection and to ensure that all B.A. degree requirements will be met.

First and Second Years

21 credits as follows:

Human Geography

GEOG 119 and 120

6 credits

Physical Geography

GEOG 112 and 122

6 credits


GEOG 270

3 credits

Electives (any two of):

GEOG 210, 211, 212, 222, 223 and 275

6 credits

Third and Fourth Years

30 credits of Geography courses numbered 300 or 400 (of which at least 3 credits shall be at the 400 level), as follows:

At least 3 credits from each thematic area:




GEOG 320, 327, 328

GEOG 321, 350, 357, 361

GEOG 310, 319, 363

Three credits from 400 level seminar courses

Geography Elective: 18 additional Geography credits numbers 300 or 400

Recommended Arts and Science Electives

The following courses are recommended as elective course to supplement the Geography Major requirements (note that the recommended Anthropology and Economics elective will meet the non-Major UCC B.A. requirements):


ANTH 303

Ethnography of special Areas: Central and Eastern Europe

3/6 credits

ANTH 403

Ethnography of Special Areas-Field Course in East/Central Europe

6 credits

ANTH 420

Archaeology of British Columbia

3/6 credits

HIST 305

British Columbia

3 credits

HIST 405

Topics in British Columbia

3 credits




Economic and Urban

ECON 374

Land Use

3 credits





BIOL 416

Principles of Conservation Biology

3 credits

ECON 371

Economics of the Environment

3 credits

NRSC 315

Current Topics in Natural Resource Management

3 credits

PHIL 435

Environmental Ethics

3 credits

See Also

Major Program

Major in Aboriginal Studies - in collaboration with the Faculty of Arts, Simon Fraser University (SCES/SFU Program, Kamloops)

Major Program in Economics

Major Program in Economic and Political Studies

Major Program in English

Major Program In History

Major Program In Mathematics

Major Program in Political and Economic Studies

Major Program in Psychology

Major Program in Sociology

Minor Program (Only available in conjunction with a Major)

Double Major Program

Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Journalism