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Major Program in Sociology

Sociology graduates can expect to have access to a wide range of careers in government services, management, social agencies, research, teaching, and a range of professional and semi-professional occupations. Visit the sociology homepage at:

First year


SOCI 111

Introduction to Sociology 1

3 credits

SOCI 121

Introduction to Sociology 2

3 credits

Second year


SOCI 271

Introduction to Social Statistics or
MATH 120 or PSYC 210

3 credits

SOCI 272

Introductory Research Methods

3 credits

One of:



SOCI 201

Race and Ethnic Relations

3 credits

SOCI 210

Canadian Social Issues

3 credits

SOCI 213

Women in Comparative Perspective

3/6 credits

SOCI 216

The Family in Cross-Cultural Perspective

3 credits

SOCI 223

Collective Behaviour

3 credits

SOCI 226

Medical Sociology

3 credits

SOCI 250

Crime and Society

3 credits

SOCI 259

Deviance and Control

3 credits

SOCI 262

Sociology of the Environment

3 credits

Third and Fourth Years


SOCI 320

Classical Social Theory plus

3 credits

SOCI 321

Feminist Social Theory or

3 credits

SOCI 322

Contemporary Issues in Social Theory

3 credits

SOCI 380

Introduction to Social Survey Design and Analysis or

3 credits

SOCI 382

Socio-Ethnographic Research Methods in Sociology

3 credits

Plus seven 300-400 level Sociology courses from:

SOCI 310

Canadian Society

6 credits

SOCI 312

Gender Relations

6 credits

SOCI 316


3 credits

SOCI 352

Organization of Work

3 credits

SOCI 360

Sociology of Natural Resources

3 credits

SOCI 361

Social Inequality

3 credits

SOCI 368

Deviance and Social Control

6 credits

SOCI 413

Family and Kinship

3/6 credits

SOCI 420

Complex Organizations

3 credits

SOCI 460


3 credits

SOCI 462

Social Change

3/6 credits

SOCI 464

Social Movements

3/6 credits

SOCI 466

Socialization and Education

3/6 credits

SOCI 470

Sociology of Crime and Justice

3 credits

SOCI 473

Global Social Change

3 credits

SOCI 475

Contemporary Social Movements

3 credits

SOCI 484

Sociology of Health and Illness

3/6 credits




Admission to the major requires completion of SOCI 111 and 121, two 200-level Sociology courses, of which three of the four Sociology courses must receive Grade C+ or above.

See Also

Major Program

Major in Aboriginal Studies - in collaboration with the Faculty of Arts, Simon Fraser University (SCES/SFU Program, Kamloops)

Major Program in Economics

Major Program in Economic and Political Studies

Major Program in English

Major Program in Geography

Major Program In History

Major Program In Mathematics

Major Program in Political and Economic Studies

Major Program in Psychology

Minor Program (Only available in conjunction with a Major)

Double Major Program

Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Journalism