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Business Post-Baccalaureate Diplomas

Business Post-Baccalaureate Diplomas are offered in the follow areas:


The Post-Baccalaureate Diplomas are aimed at students with a non-business degree who want to return to university for one or two years to acquire a specialty in a functional area of business in order to gain entry-level employment. Students with a first degree in business, but who want to change their area of focus, may also complete a Post-Baccalaureate Diploma.

The Post-Baccalaureate Diplomas offers more extensive course work than a MBA in the specific functional area, which better prepares students for pursuing a professional designation upon graduation. It will also take less time to complete than a full BBA degree.

The Post-Baccalaureate Diplomas are also of interest to International students who want to come to Canada to learn English, gain exposure to the culture, and study in a compressed format. Many have already studied business in their own country and should receive exemptions that will reduce the length of the program.

Part-time study is welcomed.

Admission Requirements

  1. Math 12 or MATH 061 or MATH 100 or equivalent with a C+ or better
  2. ENGL 110 or equivalent with a C+ or better
  3. A bachelor degree

Program Requirements

  1. Accounting

    Prerequisite Courses

    MATH 110 Finite Mathematics with Applications 1 or

    MATH 141 Mathematics for Business and Economics 2

    MATH 120 Introduction to Statistics or

    BUEC 232 Economics and Business Statistics 1

    BBUS 221 Financial Accounting

    BBUS 237 Introduction to MIS

    BBUS 254 Management Accounting

    Diploma Courses

    BBUS 312 Introduction to Financial Management

    BBUS 320 Intermediate Financial Accounting 1

    BBUS 321 Intermediate Financial Accounting 2

    BBUS 325 Intermediate Management Accounting

    BBUS 329 Income Taxation 1

    BBUS 330 Income Taxation 2

    BBUS 393 Commercial Law

    BBUS 423 Assurance

    BBUS 428 Management Issues in Info Systems

    At least two of:

    BBUS 314 Financial Statement Analysis

    BBUS 315 Investments1

    BBUS 413 Advanced Financial Management

    BBUS 420 Advanced Financial Accounting

    BBUS 421 Accounting Theory

    BBUS 425 Advanced Management Accounting

  2. Finance

    Prerequisite Courses

    BBUS 221 Financial Accounting

    BBUS 237 Management Information Systems

    BBUS 254 Management Accounting

    MATH 140 Mathematics for Business and Economics 1

    MATH 141 Mathematics for Business and Economics 2

    ECON 190 Microeconomics

    ECON 195 Macroeconomics

    BUEC 232 Economics and Business Statistics 1

    BUEC 233 Economics and Business Statistics 2

    Diploma Courses

    BBUS 312 Introduction to Financial Management

    BBUS 314 Financial Statement Analysis

    BBUS 315 Investments 1

    BBUS 329 Income Taxation 1

    BBUS 343 Introduction to Marketing

    BBUS 345 Professional Selling

    BBUS 393 Commercial Law

    BBUS 413 Advanced Financial Management

    BBUS 414 Personal Financial Management

    BBUS 415 Investments 2

    BBUS 416 Portfolio Management

    BBUS 417 Risk Management and FinancialEngineering

    BBUS 418 International Financial Management

    BBUS 419 Financial Institutions Management

  3. Human Resource Management

    Prerequisite Courses

    BBUS 221 Financial Accounting

    BBUS 237 Introduction to MIS

    BBUS 272 Organizational Behaviour

    Diploma Courses

    BBUS 303 Business and Society

    BBUS 343 Introduction to Marketing

    BBUS 381 Introduction to HRM

    BBUS 384 Industrial Relations

    BBUS 388 Teamwork in Organizations

    BBUS 393 Commercial Law

    BBUS 481 Strategic Human Resource Staffing

    BBUS 483 Compensation Management

    BBUS 484 Learning and Organizational Development

    BBUS 485 Collective Bargaining

    BBUS 486 Selected Topics in HRM

  4. Marketing

    Prerequisite Courses

    MATH 120 Introduction to Statistics or

    BUEC 232 Economics and Business Statistics 1

    BBUS 221 Financial Accounting

    BBUS 237 Introduction to MIS

    BBUS 272 Organizational Behaviour

    Diploma Courses

    BBUS 312 Introduction to Financial Management

    BBUS 343 Introduction to Marketing

    BBUS 344 Business-to-Business Marketing

    BBUS 345 Professional Selling

    BBUS 346 International Business

    BBUS 348 Marketing Research

    BBUS 393 Commercial Law

    BBUS 446 Marketing Strategy

    BBUS 447 International Marketing

    BBUS 448 Integrated Marketing Communication

    BBUS 477 New Venture Creation

Program Policies

  1. Students must receive a C- or better in all courses
  2. Courses can only be repeated once
  3. Only two courses can be repeated
  4. Students must take a minimum of six courses at UCC after exemptions to receive one of these post-baccalaureate diplomas.

See Also

Degree Programs

Bachelor of Arts Degree Program

Bachelor of Business Administration Degree Program

Bachelor of Education (Elementary) Degree Program

Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree Program

Bachelor of Journalism Degree Program

Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Journalism

Bachelor of Natural Resource Science Degree Program

Bachelor of Science Degree Program

Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program

Bachelor of Social Work Degree Program

Bachelor of Technology in Applied Computing Science Degree Program

Bachelor of Tourism Management Degree Program