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Thompson Rivers University
Thompson Rivers University

TRU Instructional Innovation Grant in Artificial Intelligence in Teaching and Learning (TIIG-AI)

Proposals are invited from University Instructors, tenure-track, and tenured faculty who are interested in responding to the impacts of artificial intelligence through the redesign of the student experience to include or model responsible use of artificial intelligence in teaching and learning. The context of the project will be a course that the faculty member(s) will teach during the 2025/2026 academic year.

The support provided by this grant is focused on supporting students as partners in roles such as co-researchers, student project managers, or as research assistants. All grant awardees will also be assigned a CELT Coordinator to help manage the scope and outcomes of the project.

Successful applicants may receive up to $5,000.

Deadline: February 24, 2025

Results: Awards will be announced by Mid-March. Projects begin on April 1, 2025, and end March 30 of the following year. Final reports will be expected no later than May 30th of the year project end.

Duration: 1 year (with interim report at 6 months and final at 12 months); Projects needing time beyond 1 year can apply for an extension* for the project (on a case-by-case approval basis), in writing to CELT, at least 6 weeks before the end of the project (March 30th); however, funds should be spent in the one-year timeframe for which the grant was awarded.

*An extension is for CELT coaching and mentoring support – it does not allow for an extension of the funds into the next fiscal year.

TIIG-AI Call for Proposals and Grant Criteria

Submit Your Application

Grant Recipients


Anila Virani (Nursing) Using WordPress in an undergraduate nursing course to support 4th year students’ engagement
Jay Goddard (EDSW) Applied theatre pedagogy for equity, diversity and Inclusion and social justice education
Lindsay Blackstock (Science) General Chemistry Scaffolded Solutions to Support Student Comprehension Outside the Classroom
John S. Hull (ACT) Building equity, diversity and inclusion into TRU’s short-term study abroad programming: the case of Tuscany’s Castello Sonnino, Italy
Frederic Fovet (EDSW) Exploring priorities within Universal Design for Learning implementation in the Higher Education classroom through faculty-student dialogue and partnership


Natasha Ramroop Singh (Science) Introduction to Genetics
Kathie McKinnon (EDSW), Jamie Drozda (OL), Marie Bartlett (OL), Brittany Brennan TRU WordPress in your course: Co-create innovative learning experiences with your students
Naowarat Cheeptham (Science), Morgan Whitehouse (SD73), Natasha Ramroop Singh (Science), Robert Wielgoz (EDSW), Lilly Dalley (Kamloops) Actions for science education (K-16) through a STEAM ecosystem: A symbiosis between TRU Science Undergraduates and Cariboo Mainline Regional Science Fair
Jay Goddard, Saskia Stinson, Sheryl-Lynn Lewis (EDSW) Advocacy: Inclusive Curriculum
Mateus Arantes Fandino (Science) Introduction of computational methods to intermediate mechanics with python
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