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Retail Worker Certificate
Train in TRU retail and warehouse areas
What you learn
- Customer service
- Warehouse procedures
- Facing, pricing, stocking shelves and displaying
- Inventory management
- Point of sales system training
- Security and safe work practices
- Teamwork
Where you can work
You are prepared for employment in warehouses, grocery stores, department stores and customer service areas.

Retail Worker Courses
ESTR 0370 Advanced Topics in Workplace Success (4,0,0)
Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus
This course is intended for those students who have completed the core courses of the ESTR program and are continuing in one of the occupational skills training areas. Students will learn to research and evaluate a business in terms of it relating to the students personal interests, skills and chances of long-term success. Students will also review and enhance their job search skills including their resume, interview techniques, and following up after interviews and after a temporary lay off.
Prerequisite: Admission into the ESTR program. Successful completion of four core courses: ESTR 0010, ESTR 0020, ESTR 0060 and ESTR 0070.
For more information, search for this course here.
ESTR 0250 Retail Theory 1 (3,0,3)
Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus
Students are instructed in the skills required to work successfully in a retail environment. Topics include teamwork and customer-relations skills. Students also learn the importance of organization, and skills related to the organization of retail merchandise. Students also cultivate money skills, including counting money accurately and counting back change.
Prerequisite: Admission into Educational Skills and Training Certificate Program. Students must complete the Career Exploration option or achieve a Level 4 Reading level on the Brigance Inventory of Basic Skills. Students need to be able to count money accurately.
For more information, search for this course here.
ESTR 0260 Retail Experience 1 (0,0,6)
Credits: 2 credits
Delivery: Campus
This course reinforces the theory component with hands-on experience in a real work environment. Students practice general clean-up, shelving, merchandising, and inventory control. Students are expected to demonstrate appropriate communication skills, teamwork, and time management in the work setting.
Prerequisite: Admission into Educational Skills and Training Certificate Program. Students must complete the Career Exploration option or achieve a Level 4 Reading level on the Brigance Inventory of Basic Skills. Students need to be able to count money accurately.
For more information, search for this course here.
ESTR 0090 Workplace Mathematics (4,0,0)
Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus
Students develop the math skills required in a workplace environment. The course content is individualized to meet the needs of students, and related to their area of occupational skills training (kitchen, retail or automotive worker). The topics include measurement, fractions, percent, and money.
Prerequisites: Students must complete the Career Exploration option or achieve a Level 4 Reading level on the Brigance Inventory of Basic Skills.
For more information, search for this course here.
ESTR 0380 Advanced Topics in Job Selection and Job Search (4,0,0)
Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus
This course is intended for those students who have completed the core courses of the ESTR program and are continuing in one of the occupational skills training areas. Emphasis on topics that will enhance an individual's ability to keep a job and plan for long term career success will be emphasized. Students will learn what today's employers expect of their employees and how to behave to be able to meet these demands successfully.
Prerequisite: Admission into the ESTR program. Successful completion of four core courses: ESTR 0010, ESTR 0020, ESTR 0060 and ESTR 0070.
For more information, search for this course here.
ESTR 0350 Retail Theory 2 (3,0,3)
Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus
Students continue to learn retail concepts and skills, such as telephone skills, sales techniques, and small business planning. Students also further cultivate their money skills, including the use of a cash register, completing cash register reports, and calculating sales tax, mark-ups and mark-downs.
Prerequisite: ESTR 0250
For more information, search for this course here.
ESTR 0360 Retail Experience 2 (0,0,6)
Credits: 2 credits
Delivery: Campus
This course is a continuation of the Fall semester, ESTR 0260: Retail Experience I. Students are given an opportunity to improve the quality and speed of their duties, while gaining more experience in inventory control and merchandising. Students use a Point of Sale System (POS), and learn pre-inventory preparation.
Prerequisite: ESTR 0260
For more information, search for this course here.
ESTR 0080 Workplace English and Written Communications (4,0,0)
Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus
This course focuses on the reading and writing skills needed in a workplace environment. The content of the course is individualized to met the needs of the student and is also related to their area of occupational skills training (kitchen, retail or automotive). Materials that offer the student the opportunity to locate relevant information, understand and read the information and complete applicable writing tasks are provided.
Prerequisite: Completion of Education Skills Training general courses
For more information, search for this course here.
ESTR 0110 Practical Experience 2 (0,0,20)
Credits: 5 credits
Delivery: Campus
Students complete the Educational Skills Training Program with a six-week practicum in a business related to their field of training (Kitchen, Retail or Automotive). Students will be required to work at least 20 hours per week and perform the functions of an entry-level employee. Students are expected to demonstrate the skills learned in the program. Students must successfully complete the practicum in order to graduate from the program.
Prerequisite: Admission into Educational Skills and Training Certificate Program, and ESTR 0320, or ESTR 0340 or ESTR 0350
For more information, search for this course here.