Terms and Conditions of Employment (TCE)
Admin Benefits & Working Conditions - update July 2017
Terms of Reference
I. Preamble
The Terms and Conditions of Employment Committee (TCEC) is responsible for representing the collective interests of APA members with respect to salaries, benefits and working conditions. (APA Constitution, Article VI.)
II. Membership
As set out in the Constitution.
- The Terms and Condition of Employment Committee shall comprise a minimum of three (3) and a maximum of six (6) APA members.
- There shall be at least one representative from each of academic administration, extension services, and a services department.
- TCEC members shall be elected by the general membership.
Additional conditions shall be that:
- Membership terms normally will be two years in length.
- Election of new members will take place at the annual general meeting.
- Election of new members will be organized so that substantial continuity of membership is maintained from year to year.
- The TCEC will elect a Chair from among its members at the first meeting each year following the election of new members.
- The TCEC will at each meeting select a note-taker responsible for recording and distributing informal minutes of proceedings and outcomes.
- The Chair will maintain a file containing minutes and other relevant documents pertaining to TCEC business.
III. Meetings
- Meetings of the TCEC shall occur at least once a month but may be convened more frequently as circumstances dictate.
- Meetings shall be open to any APA member unless closed to deal with confidential matters. Closure shall require a 2/3 vote.
IV. Process and Quorum
- TCEC members may participate in meetings via teleconference or other electronic device.
- Recommendations of TCEC shall be by consensus whenever possible.
- In matters requiring a formal vote, quorum shall consist of a majority of TCEC members.
- Business of the committee in examining issues and drafting responses may continue in the absence of quorum.
V. Confidentiality
All members shall hold in strict confidence the details of any confidential matter discussed at a meeting.
VI. Agenda Items and Reporting
- TCEC will develop and provide recommendations to the APA Executive on issues presented to it by the Executive or at its discretion on matters otherwise identified by APA members.
- TCEC will provide copies of informal minutes of each meeting’s proceedings and outcomes to the APA President in a timely fashion.
- TCEC will report on its activities at the annual general meeting, as requested by the Executive, and at other times as appropriate.