Having trouble logging in to the forms?
The Study Contract and Fee Deferral for Full-Time Distance Education Programs are only accessible through your myTRU student network account. If you are having trouble logging in, try the following suggestions:
When you open the forms you will be prompted with a dialogue box asking you to sign in to your account.
- Your log in will be your TRU ID, followed by @mytru.ca (example: T00123456@mytru.ca).
- Use the password you have created for your myTRU account.
I’m a new student and I haven’t set up my myTRU account yet:
Go to https://myid.tru.ca and follow the instructions to finish setting up your password.
I'm still having trouble accessing the form:
- Make sure you are using your myTRU account credentials to log in, not your personal credentials.
- Try opening a new incognito browser (Chrome), a private browser (Firefox), or a InPrivate browser (Edge) and using that to access the forms.
Other resources:
About your Student Network Account
What is a TRU ID?