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Rhetoric and Professional Writing Program Requirements

First Year:

  1. 2 of English 110, 111, 121 or a B or better in 6 credits of Business Communications English
  2. Second Language

Recommended electives:

Second Year:

  1. Second-year survey in British, Canadian, or American Literature
  2. English 229 or 230 or 301 or 302

Recommended electives:

Third and Fourth Years:

Thirty 300/400-level credits required as specified. As in the other two options, RPW students may take up to 42 credits in senior English courses. Courses taught by the departments of Anthropology, Journalism, Philosophy, and the Visual and Performing Arts, and are listed in Group I, II, or III, may be taken for either program credit or elective credit.

  1. At least nine credits in one principal area of concentration (group I, II, or III)
  2. At least six credits in a second area of concentration
  3. At least three credits in literature before 1900
  4. At least three credits in literature after 1900
  5. Completion of capstone course in Career Preparation (to be taken in the final two years of study) Pass/Fail credit.*

Recommended electives:

*With permission of a Majors advisor, students considering further studies in English can elect to complete their capstone requirement by revising a paper completed during their course of studies. The paper will be revised under the direction of a selected faculty member, be read by three other faculty members, and be presented orally as part of the Annual Rhetoric & Professional Writing Undergraduate Conference.

RPW Courses:

Theory (Group I)

Rhetorical Theory and History:

History of Rhetoric (Engl. 306)

Studies in Rhetoric (Engl. 307)

Rhetorical Theory (Engl. 310)

Composition Theory (Engl. 311)

Critical Theory:

Practical Criticism (Engl. 330)

Critical Theory (Engl. 332)

Language Theory:

History of the English Language (Engl. 320)

Structure of Modern English (Engl. 327, 328)

Philosophy of Language (Phil. 425)

Cultural Theory:

Theory in Archaeology (Anth. 305)

Writing (Group II)


Personal Writing (Engl. 308)

Writing in the Disciplines (Engl. 309)

Scholarly Editing (Engl. 476)

Courses Cross-listed with Journalism:

Introduction to Media and Journalism (Jour.305)

Skills and Techniques of Journalism (Jour. 320)

Interarts & Cultural Studies (Group III)


Prison Literature (Engl. 319)

Biography (Engl.315)

Literature and the Other Arts:

Studies in Literature and the Other Arts (Engl. 316)

Shakespeare and Film (Engl. 366)

Photography and Literature (FA 390)

Philosophy and Literature (Phil. 375)

History of Theatre (Theatre 311, 312, 321, 322)

Canadian Theatre History (Theatre 326/327)

Studies in Women's Literature: Gender and Genre
(Engl. 415)

Studies in Canadian Literature (Engl. 426)

Commonwealth/Postcolonial Literature (Engl. 444 to 447)

Sample Program Rhetoric and Professional Writing Option

First Year:

English 110, 111, or 121

French 111, 121

Recommended Electives

Second Year:

English 211, 221

English 229 and other 200-level courses

French 211, 221

Recommended Electives

Third Year:

English 306 (6) Rhetorical Theory

English 330 (3) Practical Criticism

English 3XX (3) [16th Century]

English 3XX (3) [20th Century]

English 3XX (3) [Composition]

English 3XX (3) [Non-Fiction]

English 3XX (3) [Literature and the Other Arts]

Electives (6) [From Electives List or from Courses listed in Groups I, II, or III]

Fourth Year:

English 3XX (3) [Rhetoric/Composition]

English 332 (3) Critical Theory

Theatre 430 (3) Studies in Performance Theory

English 366 (3) Shakespeare and Film

Theatre 310 (3) History of Theatre

English 4XX (3) [Contemporary Literature]

Jour. 3XX (3) [Skills and Techniques]

English 3XX (3) [Non-Fiction]

Career Prep (Pass/fail)

Electives (6) [From Electives List or from Courses listed in Groups I, II, or III]

See Also

Major Program in English

Traditional Survey Option: Program Requirements

Contemporary Literature Option: Program Requirements