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Program Description

The UCC Bachelor of Tourism Management (BTM) program is intended to provide management and entrepreneurial expertise to those who want to succeed as professionals in the tourism industry.

The BTM program is a four-year degree designed to accommodate the varied learning needs of future tourism professionals. Students can complete the program on a full or part-time basis; they can enter the program in year one or join the program in year two or year three and transfer their relevant post-secondary credits into the program. It is common for students to join the program in year three after completing a two-year tourism or business-related diploma program.

See Also

Bachelor of Tourism Management Degree Program

Admission Requirements

Application Procedure and Documentation

Program Planning and Advising

Co-op Option

Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR)

Exemptions and Transfer Credit

Program Requirements

Program Guides

Program Policies

Sample Course Sequence

Co-operative Education

Course Descriptions