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Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR)

The University College of the Cariboo (UCC) recognizes that adult learners acquire knowledge and skills through life and work experience. Through Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR), UCC will assess this knowledge and skills and grant credit/recognition for the learning that has taken place.

A learner requesting PLAR must normally be admitted to UCC before the PLAR process will be commenced. A maximum of twenty-five percent of the credits required in the program can be awarded to prior learning. Please refer to UCC Policy ED(24) 2-0 for more information about the PLAR process.

See Also

Bachelor of Tourism Management Degree Program

Program Description

Admission Requirements

Application Procedure and Documentation

Program Planning and Advising

Co-op Option

Exemptions and Transfer Credit

Program Requirements

Program Guides

Program Policies

Sample Course Sequence

Co-operative Education

Course Descriptions