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Co-op Option

Co-operative education (Co-op) is the integration of academic studies with paid work terms related to the student's studies. Co-op requires the student to complete 2 four-month work terms. There is a charge for each Co-op term and orientations to familiarize students on the Co-op option are held in September.

In order to meet all requirements for graduation, students must have a minimum of 500 hours of documented, relevant work experience supported by industry references indicating capable performance. If this requirement is not met upon admission, it must be completed prior to admission to year four of the BTM. Students can satisfy this requirement on their own, or via Co-op.

See Also

Bachelor of Tourism Management Degree Program

Program Description

Admission Requirements

Application Procedure and Documentation

Program Planning and Advising

Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR)

Exemptions and Transfer Credit

Program Requirements

Program Guides

Program Policies

Sample Course Sequence

Co-operative Education

Course Descriptions