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Admission Requirements

  1. British Columbia Grade 12; or mature student status; or equivalent
  2. English:

    English 12 with 73% or better within the last 5 years; or English 060; or Language Proficiency Index (LPI) with level 4 or better within the last 2 years; or CESL 057 and 058, each with C+ or better; or Equivalent

  3. Mathematics:

    Principles of Math 11 with B or better; or Applications of Math 12; or Math 051 with C+ or better; or Equivalent

See Also

Bachelor of Tourism Management Degree Program

Program Description

Application Procedure and Documentation

Program Planning and Advising

Co-op Option

Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR)

Exemptions and Transfer Credit

Program Requirements

Program Guides

Program Policies

Sample Course Sequence

Co-operative Education

Course Descriptions