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Program Policies

Students must:

  1. Earn a grade of "C-" or better in each core course, in each course serving as a prerequisite for another included in the student's program and each course counting toward a concentration/major.
  2. Maintain an overall CGPA of at least 2.00. The CGPA will be calculated based on total grade points earned divided by the total credit attempts for all courses.
  3. In order to earn a UCC BTM degree, at least fifty percent (60 credits) of the course work counted toward completion of the requirements for the degree must be completed at The University College of the Cariboo.

    In addition, at least 50% of courses at the 300 and 400 level must be completed at UCC in order to earn a UCC BTM degree.

    Extensions to this policy may be granted with prior approval to students involved in academic exchanges with other post-secondary institutions.

Students failing to meet the CGPA requirements will be placed on a learning contract.

See Also

Bachelor of Tourism Management Degree Program

Program Description

Admission Requirements

Application Procedure and Documentation

Program Planning and Advising

Co-op Option

Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR)

Exemptions and Transfer Credit

Program Requirements

Program Guides

Sample Course Sequence

Co-operative Education

Course Descriptions