Faculty of Education and Social Work
Goal: By 2019-20, eight per cent of students in graduate programs will be Indigenous. Going into The Coyote Project: Indigenous enrolment in EDSW graduate programs has declined from seven per cent in 2012-13 to three per cent in 2015-16.
Goal: By 2019-20, Indigenous student retention rates from fall to winter will be 80 per cent.
Goal: By 2019-20, Indigenous completion rates will reach parity with non-Indigenous students.
Coyote Project in focus
The Faculty of Education and Social Work is rewriting curriculum to indigenize readings, course content, assessments and learning outcomes. A research and development program will be built around this work to deepen understanding of the faculty’s process and outcomes. At least 15 course outlines will be enhanced and there will be common reads and learnings for indigenization, to help with intercultural understanding and boost student success.
A minimum of three new courses will be developed that are relevant to indigenous advancement in education and social work professions. These will help address educational and employment gaps.
In addition, the faculty will engage in professional learning to enhance awareness, understanding and skills in supporting Indigenous students and their success at every level. This will include such areas as the history and legacy of residential schools, the United Nations declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples, treaties and Indigenous rights and Indigenous law. This will involve skills-based training in intercultural competency, conflict resolution, human rights and anti-racism. International research will be used to examine what universities can do to improve Indigenous achievement in the university setting, as well as TRU-based research and development.