Student Services

Message from the AVP of Students

If you are a new or current student, we want to welcome you to TRU! We have a full team of student affairs professionals to support you from Orientation to Graduation. We are here to provide you personal, academic and career guidance. No door is the wrong door in Student Services, so Just Ask! 

As you make your way through the website, check out the many events going on the TRU Events Page. Also, watch our social media channels @trustudentlife to find supports, events and some great advice about being student. As you walk down the halls, have a look at the digital screens and bulletin boards. There is a lot going on, and we want you to make the most of your university experience.

Ask questions, reach out and engage! We are here to walk this journey with you and our doors are open.

Sara Wolfe
Associate Vice President (AVP) of Students 

Student Services sets strategic priorities every five years that align with the TRU Strategic Plan. Student Services strives to improve the student experience by partaking in service assessments, external reviews, internal audits and student surveys.

Just Ask!

Just Ask!

Personal, academic and social supports — no door is the wrong door

Old Main 1631
Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Student Services Portal

Study tips from the Dean of Students

Faculty's approach to Indigenization

On Campus with TRU Student Life


Visit TRU on YouTube for more videos