TRU Car Share
Please note that CarShare program vehicles cannot be driven outside of BC.
Before booking your initial trip, it's essential to upload both the front and back of your driver's license, along with your driving record. This documentation is necessary to verify your eligibility to drive in British Columbia. The driver's license information will confirm your eligibility to drive in BC, while the examination of your driving records will help us assess any violations that might be of concern. This ensures a safe and compliant car sharing experience for all members.
Steps to get started
One time activation
- Staff and faculty need to register prior to using the TRU Car Share program in order to get an account so they can reserve cars on their own. Students can use cars on a case-by-case basis. In situations where drivers have a trend of speeding tickets or other similar infractions, they may be denied access to the program. For more details, see the last bullet below under ‘Access to and use of all TRU Car Share vehicles is conditional on acceptance of and compliance with the following terms’.
- You will receive a welcome email from Poolcar, our booking software
- You’ll need to add a contact number, whatever number you can be reached at while you’ve got the vehicle so preferably not your office desk number
- The “line manager email” box is for the contact email of your supervisor, the system will send them a notification whenever you make a vehicle booking
Use a car
Once you’ve registered, use the link below to book your vehicle.
Book a TRU CarOverview and guidelines
Staff and faculty (and sometimes students) who need transportation for TRU-related business can use this program. Conference travel, meetings, and field trips are all potential cases.
Reminder: CarShare program vehicles cannot be driven outside of BC.
There are two Toyota hybrids (which utilize electric and gas) for any length of trip:
- 2016 Rav4 (AWD; roof rack and optional bike rack; five seatbelts)
- 2018 Prius (‘Plug-in hybrid’ which means it has approximately 30 km of pure electric range, but once this runs out the gas engine automatically kicks in; four seatbelts)
In addition, there is one fully electric car available for booking:
- 2021 Tesla Model 3 SR+ (approx. 350km of EV range, 5 seat belts, please review the Tesla information document before booking)
We’re always open to suggestions on how to make this program better for the employees of TRU and are open to suggestions any time. Contact the Sustainability Office ( if you’d like to provide feedback.
In the event the vehicles need attention (for example, a headlight is out at the start of your booking or there is a flat tire) there’s a chance the Sustainability Office hasn’t been made aware of it so please reach out to us at or call 250-852-7652.
Access to and use of all TRU Car Share vehicles is conditional on acceptance of and compliance with the following terms.
- Please be aware there is GPS tracking on the vehicles that will be used in cases where the business use of the vehicles is questioned.
- Drivers are expected to conduct a pre-trip inspection of the vehicle to ensure that there is no damage to the exterior or exterior of the car. Drivers are responsible to account for damage that has been noted after car use.
- Drivers are expected to return all vehicles in the same, or better, condition as prior to their use and with a full tank of gas, or charged/charging.
- Vehicles should be clean, tidy, and free of damage.
- All drivers must possess a valid Class 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 driver’s license (Class 7, or "N", drivers are not able to participate in TRU Car Share).
- All drivers must comply with all Canadian traffic laws.
- All drivers and passengers in university vehicles must acknowledge that they are considered representatives of TRU and must act and drive responsibly.
- Modifications to university vehicles are not permitted. This includes affixing signs, stickers, trailer hitches, etc. (A bike rack is available for the Rav4 on request).
- Drivers are responsible for the cost of all traffic violations, parking tickets, toll bridge fees, etc.
- If a university vehicle sustains any damage, the driver must report the incident to the TRU Sustainability Office immediately, regardless of the severity of damage.
- Once finished with a vehicle, drivers are to complete an entry in the log book found tucked beside the passenger seat of each vehicle.
- Please be courteous to the many friends, coworkers and colleagues using the cars. Damage to the vehicles limits how often they can be used, so please drive and park with consideration of others.
- Program Access Denied - Drivers who exhibit a trend of speeding tickets or other infractions over the last few years will not be allowed into the program until that trend ceases to be an issue, at which time drivers can reapply.
Examples of the trend are as follows:- two infractions within the last 12 months;
- one infraction per consecutive 12 months, over the last three consecutive years;
- three infractions over the last 24 consecutive months.
- Of course, there are always exceptions to these rules so if you would like to discuss your particular situation, please reach out to the head of the TRU CarShare Program by emailing, and put in Subject line: CarShare – Discuss Program Access Denied
In an emergency, call 911
Once the emergency has been addressed by the appropriate first responder team please call primary emergency contact Sofia Rueda at 250-852-7253 or secondary emergency contact James Gordon at 250-852-7153 to make the Sustainability Office aware of the situation.
The Prius spare tire
This vehicle has no spare tire, instead it has a tire inflation kit. Have a look at this video here to see how to fix a flat on the Prius.
Having the vehicle towed and repaired at Toyota is preferable, but if you use the tire repair kit, please notify the Sustainability Office ( ASAP so a replacement kit can be ordered.
Having the Toyota vehicles repaired at a Toyota dealership is preferable, but in an emergency it’s reasonable to tow the vehicle to the nearest location where it can be repaired.
Frequently asked questions
Where do I park the TRU Car Share vehicles?
You will receive an email once the vehicles are booked with parking locations of your requested vehicle.
Can I leave my personal vehicle in the same parking spot as the TRU Car Share vehicle I’m using?
Yes, please contact the Sustainability Office prior to your booking and indicate you need a parking pass for your personal vehicle.
What’s the protocol with fueling up and charging the vehicles?
The two Toyota hybrids must be returned with a full gas tank. Fuel expenses should be paid for by the driver using their p-card or billed to their office’s travel budget.
The Prius Prime should be plugged in to charge at the end of all trips.
The FLO charging stations located on campus are free of charge. A FLO card is included with the Prius and Tesla. Below is a YouTube video on how to use the chargers, a short how to is also included further on in this document.
If you don’t use the FLO card, the next best alternative is using the FLO app with a free account, or you can tap your credit card without any charges debited (this is for verification only). Once in the FLO app, click on Network/TRU and the charging stations will appear.
Do I need to make an entry in the vehicle logbook at the beginning of my trip?
Yes. There is a pre-trip inspection checklist at the start of the logbook, please follow this inspection checklist and indicate its completion in your logbook entry.
Once finished with a vehicle, please complete an entry in the logbook found tucked beside the passenger seat of each vehicle, including the final odometer reading and litres of fuel or kWh of electricity purchased for your trip.
How clean do the vehicles need to be when I return them?
Drivers are responsible for basic tidiness (crumbs, dirt, dust, general debris, etc.) and the vehicles should be returned with a clean exterior. You are expected to take the vehicle through a car wash if necessary.
If the vehicles need more attention, please notify the Sustainability Office and a professional cleaning will be arranged.
Where are the car keys?
The key lock-boxes are located at the side entrance of the Indigenous and Intercultural Office (House 4) on Sk'Lep Trail; if you’re not sure where that is have a look at TRU’s campus map. These boxes are available 24/7 and you are expected to get your key when you pick up the vehicle.
What should I do if I can’t get the keys or my booked vehicle is not there?
Call Sofia Rueda at 250-852-7253 or James Gordon at 250-852-7153 at the Sustainability Office and tell them about the situation. Do not take another vehicle without permission.
Tesla FAQ
How do I get in and out of the Tesla, or adjust the seat, steering wheel and mirrors?
How do I use the touch screen system for navigation and vehicle settings?
How do I use the Tesla chargers, superchargers or public chargers?
On DC fast charging on non-Tesla (FLO, Chargepoint, BC Hydro, etc.) stations, you will need to sign up for these networks separately or use your own credit card to pay for the charging as TRU does not yet have accounts set up for every network. With the prevalance supercharger network drivers are not expected to need access to these charge stations.
Are there other Tesla videos?
Other Tesla related how-to videos can be found by scanning this QR code:
EV charging instructions
For the FLO stations on campus
Activate the station

- Place your card on the reader
OR - Select the station in the mobile app and press "Start a session".
Open the door

- Open the station's door and pull out the connector.
Plug the connector

- Plug the connector into your vehicle.
- Charging will start immediately.
Complete charging

- Once charging is complete, unplug the connector, replace it in its socket and close the door.