Evaluation and Reporting
Annual Reports
Each year acccredited institutions are required to prepare and submit an annual report to the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities by August 1. The purpose of the annual report is to update basic institutional data which enables the Commission to monitor institutional trends and changes.
2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017
Mid-Cycle Review
During its meeting on June 21-24, 2022, the NWCCU Board of Commissioners determined that TRU has fulfilled Recommendations 1 and 4. In addition, the Commission determined that we are substantially in compliance with Recommendation 3; however, there is need for improvement, as noted in the Official Record of Action Letter.
NWCCU Official Record of Action
Self-Study and Peer Evaluation
Accreditation must be reaffirmed periodically following a seven-year cycle of self evaluation and peer evaluation. Under the seven-year accreditation cycle, TRU is required to submit a Mid-Cycle Evaluation Report with Addenda regarding Recommendations 1, 3, and 4 in 2022. The Mid-Cycle Evaluation is a formative assessment focused on mission fulfilment, student achievement, and programmatic assessment. The evaluation includes a external peer review virtual site visit on May 2 and 3, 2022.
Mid-Cycle Self-Evaluation Report
Recommendation 2 - Request for Extension Granted
On September 29, 2021, TRU submitted a request to the NWCCU seeking an extension to address Recommendation 2. Specifically, TRU requested that the effective date for implementing TRU's general education requirements be extended to Fall 2023. On October 8, 2021, the NWCCU commended TRU for its efforts and granted the extension to Fall 2023.
NWCCU Official Record of Action
Ad Hoc Report on Recommendation 2
On February 12, 2021, TRU received an official record of action letter accepting TRU's Ad Hoc Report on Recommendation 2. The NWCCU Board of Commissioners determined that TRU has fulfiled Recommendation 2.
NWCCU Official Record of Action
Following TRU's 2019 Interim Candidacy Review, the NWCCU Board of Commissioners required that TRU take appropriate action to ensure that Recommendation 2 was addressed and resolved in the prescribed two-year period by Spring 2021. In addition, the Commission required that TRU submit an Ad Hoc Report on Recommendation 2 in Fall 2020.
Ad Hoc Report on Recommendation 2
Interim Candidacy Review
On July 3, 2019, TRU received a formal notification and official record of action taken by the NWCCU granting TRU accreditation at the associate, baccalaureate, and master's degree levels. The effective date of accreditation for TRU is September 1, 2018.
2019 NWCCU Record of Action Letter
Self-Study and Peer Evaluation
To become fully accredited (and retain accreditation status once accredited), TRU must demonstrate that it is at least minimally meeting the NWCCU Standards. The way in which a Standard is evidenced may vary, consistent with differences in institutional mission and purposes. The Standards are assessed during self-evaluation and peer evaluation.
The peer evaluation process consists of a team of faculty and senior administrators from accredited institutions who study TRU’s self-evaluation report and conduct an on-site evaluation with respect to all of the Standards. The purpose is to provide formative feedback regarding TRU’s assessment plan and the use of data for quality improvement. The evaluation team prepares a report of their findings, including recommendations and commendations related to TRU’s progress in meeting the Standards. The peer evaluation team plays an advisory role to the Commission.
TRU will host an evaluation team on April 1 - 3, 2019.
Interim Candidacy Review
As of January 31, 2018, TRU has been approved for continued status as a Candidate for Accreditation at the associate, baccalaureate, and master’s degree levels by the NWCCU. With our status of candidacy, TRU is required to submit an Interim Candidacy Report and host a site visit in the spring of 2019. TRU will be eligible to apply for full accreditation status within three years’ time.
To view the reports for this cycle see below:
2018 Recommendations and Commendations
NWCCU Fall 2017 Interim Candidacy Action Letter
2017 Evaluation Committee Report
Self-Study and Peer Evaluation
On June 22, 2016, TRU was approved as a Candidate for Accreditation at the associate, baccalaureate and master’s degree levels by the NWCCU. Candidacy for Accreditation is a status of affiliation with the Commission which indicates that the institution has achieved initial recognition and is progressing toward accreditation. Candidacy is not accreditation nor does it assure eventual accreditation.
During this stage, TRU must submit an Interim Candidacy Report which acts as a concise update to the 2016 Self-Evaluation Report addressing all five Standards for accreditation. In addition, TRU will host a team of peer evaluators on October 10 - 12, 2017.
2017 Interim Candidacy Report
2017 Interim Candidacy Report Appendices
Interim Candidacy Review
With our status of initial candidacy, TRU has five years to complete various reporting requirements and address the recommendations made by the evaluation committee following their onsite visit in April 2016.
TRU will be expected to host onsite visits again in fall 2017 and spring 2019 as part of evaluating our progress towards accreditation. We may apply for initial accreditation status at any time within the next five years.
For a detailed look at the Spring 2016 Initial Candidacy Peer-Evaluation Report, see the attached document:
2016 Commendations and Recommendations
Self-Study and Peer Evaluation
In February 2014, TRU received Applicant Status for US Accreditation through the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU). The pursuit of institutional accreditation will reinforce for TRU students and their families – past, present and future – that a TRU education is a high quality education, based on objective, comprehensive and internationally recognized criteria.
The first stage of the application process is the completion of an institution-wide self-evaluation. Between April 2014 and April 2015, the Accreditation Steering Committee met to coordinate a university-wide consultation, review and writing process.
The self-evaluation report was received and endorsed at Senate on Sept. 28, 2015, and was approved by the Board of Governors on Dec. 4, 2015. The Self-Evaluation Report was submitted to the NWCCU Commission on Feb. 12, 2016.
2016 Self-evaluation Report