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Thompson Rivers University
Thompson Rivers University

BIOL 1215: Biology Laboratory II

In this five-day lab course, students perform experiments that illustrate the principles learned in BIOL 1213.


Learning outcomes

  • Define the various terminology associated with mitosis and meiosis and explain and draw the various stages of each process.
  • Understand how variation in organisms is created through the process of meiosis and fertilization.
  • Formulate and test hypothesis concerning the Galapagos finches to determine if the process of character displacement has played a role in their evolution.
  • Draw tables and graphs correctly to show data and explain and interpret the results.
  • Understand and explain the terminology associated with cladistics and then use cladistics analysis to correctly predict phylogenetic relationships among organisms.
  • Use various pieces of equipment to collect abiotic and biotic samples from freshwater aquatic ecosystems, and also analyze the samples in the lab, and then use this data to determine the 'health' of the ecosystem.
  • Write a scientific report correctly using the IMRD format, and use and cite academic information sources correctly.
  • Investigate the body plan and natural history of an invertebrate animal species, and then design and implement experiments to test the animal's response to various stimuli.
  • Collect, analyze and interpret behavioural data, and present the information both as a written report and as a verbal presentation.
  • Know the body plans of animals in the major phyla as well as their defining characteristics and also the major evolutionary advances in the phylogeny of animals.

Course topics

  • Cell division and the creation of variation
  • Evolutionary Processes
  • Phylogenetic Relationships
  • Cladistics Analysis
  • Designing scientific experiments
  • Ecological principals
  • Collecting and analyzing biological samples
  • Animal Phylogeny
  • Interpreting Behavioural Data
  • Data Analysis
  • IMRD Scientific Report Format

Required text and materials

Students will be required to print their own laboratory manual prior to their first day in class. Other supplies will be provided during the lab. For safety reasons, students must wear closed shoes. No open-toed shoes or sandals are permitted in the labs.


Students will receive a final mark out of 100. This mark is determined on the basis of lab assignments, quizzes, and reports; as well, you are assess on your attendance and participation.

Students cannot miss more than two lab sessions or an incomplete grade will be assigned.

For safety orientation reasons, students are required to attend the first lab session.

Lab Assignment 1: Beaks as Tools 15%
Quiz 1: Cell Division, the Creation of Variation, and Evolution 15%
Lab Assignment 2: Developing a Ladybug Cladogram 7.5%
Quiz 2: Cladistics 7.5%
Lab Assignment 3: Ecological Study of a Natural and a Built Wetland 25%
Lab Assignment 4A: Critter Sheet and 4B: Scientific Investigation Sheet 25%
Quiz 3: Wetland Ecology 5%
Total 100%
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