Student for a Day
March 17 - March 28, 2025
Are you considering university? Do you want to see what campus life at TRU is all about? Here’s your chance to find out! Join us on campus and become a TRU Student for a Day.
Visit campus, sit in on lectures, take a campus tour, have lunch with a Future Student Ambassador (current TRU student), and connect with a Future Student Advisor to get important information.
This is a totally free opportunity! Registration is now live. Please select ONE option based on your availability and program interest.
Have any questions? Check out our FAQs section below to see if they can assist you. If not, our contact information is listed below as well.
Register to be a TRU Student for a Day
Interested in a particular subject? Check out the proposed lecture schedule below.
Lecture schedule
*Lecture offerings are subject to change.
Option 1: Marketing and English
MKTG 3470 – Consumer Behaviour
Students examine the psychological, social and cultural theories and concepts that provide insight into consumer behaviour and then apply these principles to different consumer decision-making contexts. Topics include defining consumer behaviour and consumer behaviour research and examining how perception, learning and memory, motivation and affect, self-perception, personality, life-style, values, attitude, group influences, income, social class, family structure, subcultures, and culture affect consumer decision making.
ENGL 2200 – ST: Literary Animals
Students continue to develop skills in close critical reading comprehension and written composition through exploration and evaluation of literary topics, themes, or issues within the discipline. Students critically and creatively evaluate a variety of interrelated literary texts, interpret and analyze a range of techniques and rhetorical strategies, and apply diverse critical perspectives. While course topics vary depending on faculty and student interest and current developments in the field, students learn to reflect critically and creatively and to articulate complexities and assumptions of various literary texts, considering their historical, political, and cultural contexts. Students investigate a topic, using scholarly writing that illustrates grammatically-correct style and appropriate documentation skills.
Option 2: Common Engineering and Journalism
ENGR 1200 – Engineering Design II
Students apply the knowledge of the engineering design process by developing and completing relatively complex and self-directed engineering project that consists of electrical, mechanical, and software sub-systems Students learn the incorporation of sustainability, regulatory, environmental, ethical, health, and safety-related issues relevant to the design of an engineering product. Students are exposed to several engineering tools to manage time and resources. Students learn theories related to teamwork and leadership. Students work in teams, complete design projects through several milestones, and generate technical reports and oral presentations. Students understand the role of an engineering profession towards society and ethical obligations.
JOUR 4310 – Literary Journalism: Studies in Narrative Non-Fiction
This course provides a topical introduction to literary journalism and additional forms of creative nonfiction through a survey of the best works in the genre. Through close reading of selected works and targeted writing exercises, the course enhances students’ appreciation for the craft of journalism and for the range of literature, beyond daily reportage, that the craft accommodates.
Option 1: Natural Resource Science and Geography
NRSC 1220 – Dendrology 2
Students explore a variety of British Columbian, North American, and introduced coniferous tree species.
GEOG 4990 – ST: Sustainability & Social Change
This is a special topics course in geography. The subject matter varies from semester to semester depending upon the interest of the faculty and students.
Option 2: Geology and Tourism Management – March 18 only
GEOL 3150 – Igneous Petrology & Volcanology
Students explore volcanic and magmatic processes as fundamental to the transfer of energy and materials from the interior to exterior of the planet, and Earth's evolution through geologic time. Through this exploration students gain an understanding of the chemical and physical processes that melt and crystallize rocks, causes and implications of volcanism and volcanic products, the relationship of igneous processes to plate tectonics, volcanic landforms, and the methods in which igneous rocks are studied to interpret geologic history. The curriculum is designed to instill an appreciation for the importance of igneous processes to societies and the environment, including energy and mineral resources, and geologic hazards.
TMGT 4050 – Event Tourism
This course examines the emerging field of event tourism and identifies market opportunities and trends. Students explore the important role events play in destination marketing and development as catalysts, animators, image makers and tourist attractions. The impact of events on destinations from a economic, cultural and social perspective is also a focus of the course.
Option 1: Psychology and Accounting
PSYC 3230 – Principles of Conditioning
Students examine the procedures and processes involved in Classical (Pavlovian) and Operant (instrumental) conditioning. A majority of the course material is comprised of research findings from animal studies.
ACCT 1000 – Financial Accounting
Students develop a basic understanding of financial accounting, which involves recording a variety of financial transactions for an organization and then preparing and evaluating its financial statements. Topics include financial statements; accounting events and journal entries; accounting adjustments; internal controls and cash; accounts receivable; inventory purchases and sales; inventory costing methods; long-term assets, liabilities; shareholders’ equity; statement of cash flows; and financial statement analysis.
Option 2: Psychology and English
PSYC 3720 – ST: Positive Psychology
In this intermediate-level special topics course, students study a topic related to either social psychology, personality, developmental psychology, clinical psychology, or applied psychology.
ENGL 2200 – ST: Literary Animals
Students continue to develop skills in close critical reading comprehension and written composition through exploration and evaluation of literary topics, themes, or issues within the discipline. Students critically and creatively evaluate a variety of interrelated literary texts, interpret and analyze a range of techniques and rhetorical strategies, and apply diverse critical perspectives. While course topics vary depending on faculty and student interest and current developments in the field, students learn to reflect critically and creatively and to articulate complexities and assumptions of various literary texts, considering their historical, political, and cultural contexts. Students investigate a topic, using scholarly writing that illustrates grammatically-correct style and appropriate documentation skills.
Option 1: Business Law & Finance
FNCE 3170 – Fixed Income and Alternative Investments
Students learn to design and analyze fixed income securities and alternative investments. The importance of interest rates, credit risk and product features in the valuation of these assets is emphasized. Topics include an introduction to fixed income investments; fixed income markets; yield curves; bond pricing, valuation and volatility; credit analysis for firms and individuals; asset backed securities; real estate; hedge funds and private equity.
BLAW 2910 – Commercial Law
Students examine the legal environment in which businesses operate and how common law and different provincial and federal government statutes influence decision-making. Topics include origins of Canadian law; resolving disputes and navigating the court system; tort law; contract law; sales of goods and consumer protection; methods of carrying on business; workplace law; property law; and creditor law.
Option 2: Architectural Engineering and Marketing
ARET 1612 – Structural Technology
Students will delve into the principles of static equilibrium, strength of materials, and building code requirements as they relate to basic structural and mechanical design problems. The course covers topics such as force analysis of trusses and frames, centroids, moments of inertia, and shear force and bending moment diagrams. Additionally, students will study the stress and strain effects of axial, torsional, bending, and shear forces, and will learn how to calculate the deflections of beams and the effect of slenderness on columns. The course also provides an introduction to fundamental concepts outlined in Part 4 and Part 9 of the British Columbia Building Code.
MKTG 3470 – Consumer Behaviour
Students examine the psychological, social and cultural theories and concepts that provide insight into consumer behaviour and then apply these principles to different consumer decision-making contexts. Topics include defining consumer behaviour and consumer behaviour research and examining how perception, learning and memory, motivation and affect, self-perception, personality, life-style, values, attitude, group influences, income, social class, family structure, subcultures, and culture affect consumer decision making.
Option 1: Tourism Management and Astronomy
TMGT 1110 – Intro to Tourism
This course introduces tourism as an industry and a phenomenon. Topics will include the economic, social, environmental and political environment in which tourism operates at a global and local level. Students are introduced to tourism products and experiences in B.C. and given the opportunity to identify career paths in the tourism industry.
ASTR 1150 – Introductory Astronomy: Stars and Galaxies
This is a general interest course on the night sky, telescopes, stars, and galaxies, and is intended for non-science majors. The student will develop an understanding of astronomy and be able to relate that knowledge to other areas of science, develop critical thinking and problem solving skills, and obtain the basics for a life-long appreciation of astronomy. Topics include: telescopes and observing the night sky, radiation and spectra, stellar properties and evolution, black holes, the Milky Way and other galaxies, and cosmology.
Option 2: Tourism Management and Psychology
TMGT 4010 – Experience Creation & Product Design
This course deals with the concept of experiences as products and the overall development of new products/services in the tourism field. Students will explore the foundations and theories of an "experience-driven" enterprise or economy from both the consumer (tourist) and producer (firm or destination) perspective. Emphasis is placed on undertaking new tourism product inventories to ensure the provision of engaging experiences and vivid memories for guests.
PSYC 3580 – Neuroscience of Learning and Memory
Students learn about the different types of learning and memory, emphasizing neural mechanisms. Students discuss the interplay of human and animal research (including that with invertebrates) in understanding synaptic plasticity involving long-term potentiation and depression, perceptual learning, classical and instrumental conditioning, and relational learning. Learning disabilities, memory impairment, and recovery from brain injury are also considered.
What will your day look like?
Your schedule will depend on the topics you choose, as lectures happen all throughout the day. Here is an example schedule—but keep in mind that not everyone’s day will look like this and the start and end times may vary. You will receive email communication before your visit that details your individual schedule.
Example Schedule
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is Student for a Day meant for?
Student for a Day is meant for anyone who is interested in TRU! Specifically, if you’re in grades 11 or 12, or you’re somebody who is looking to come back to education after taking a break, we’d love for you to join us.
Can I attend more than one session?
Student for a Day receives a large amount of interest and registrations. We kindly ask that you only register for the one session that interests you most in order to allow other students the opportunity to join us as well.
What will the day look like?
You will start your day by joining us in the Future Students Welcome Centre (850 Sk’lep Trail) for check in. You will meet your group for the day and then start on your activities. Student for a day generally includes 2 lectures, a campus tour, and lunch with our Future Student Ambassadors and Future Student Advisors.
Where will I be for the day?
Your home base for Student for a Day will be in the Future Students Welcome Centre (850 Sk’lep Trail). The lectures you attend could be in any of our academic buildings around campus, depending on which session you attend. You will also take a campus tour to familiarize yourself with campus!
What should I bring?
We recommend you bring a notebook and pen or pencil if you’re interested in taking notes during your lecture! Also, you should bring a water bottle and something to do should there be any down time during your day, such as a book.
While you can bring your cell phone along for the day, we ask that you use this responsibly and refrain from pulling it out during lectures and activities to limit distractions for you and those around you.
Do I need to know how to get to my classes?
Nope! Our Future Students staff will take you to your classes and will be there to pick you up once class ends. We will have somebody with you throughout the day to escort you where you need to go.
If you for some reason find yourself separated from your group, please come back to the Future Students Welcome Centre (850 Sk’lep Trail).
Is parking provided?
Paid parking will be in effect on campus Monday to Friday from 8 am to 5 pm. We suggest parking in Lot N, H or any space that is not a reserved parking spot.
Is Student for a Day accessible?
Yes, we strive to make Student for a Day accessible for all to participate in. If you require accommodations to be able to participate in Student for a Day, please reach out to the Future Students Office at
Can I accompany my child throughout the day?
While we understand that parents and supporters may want to accompany their children throughout an exciting day like this, we kindly ask that you allow your child the opportunity to independently participate. You’re more than welcome to come into the Welcome Centre during drop off and pick up to meet our team and ask questions though!