Saw Filer Apprenticeship

Saw filers fit all types of saws, including circular saws, band saws, gang saws and chain saws. They operate, repair and adjust saw sharpening equipment and are also competent to bench all circular and gang saws, including tensioning, welding cracks, welding on teeth and included any other work that is usually performed by a saw filer in the lumber manufacturing industry.

Three trades make up the saw trades: saw fitting, circular saw filer and benchperson. The saw filer apprentice program provides the knowledge and skills required to become both a provincially and inter-provincially certified trades person. Visit the Industry Training Authority for a detailed description of the saw filer trade and admission criteria

Thompson Rivers University, Williams Lake Campus, is the only training institution in BC that offers technical training for these trades.

Inquiries and Advising

Phone: 250-392-8000


Phone: 250-392-8020