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Photography courses at Thompson Rivers University are focused on the development of a strong understanding of both analogue and digital photographic contemporary art practices and emphasize a multidisciplinary approach to the photographic medium. Photographic facilities at TRU include three black and white wet darkrooms as well as a full digital studio (44” wide inkjet printers). The curriculum in photography includes learning a wide range of both digital and analogue processes including historic and non-silver processes, mural printing, medium and large format cameras, studio lighting, digital software programs, inkjet printing, projected imagery and installations. As well technical considerations, contemporary conceptual and historic uses of photography are an integral part of the photography curriculum. Throughout their course work students expand their knowledge, skills and concepts in the medium through seminars, research presentations, readings, exhibitions and self-directed projects.
Students at work

Our darkroom studios include:
- Beseler 67SC Condenser Enlargers (35mm to medium-format)
- Beseler 45 Condenser Enlargers (large-format)
- Beseler Dichro 67S Enlarger
- Senz IC Enlarger Timers
- Gralab 451 Enlarger Timers
- Arkay RC-1100SS Stainless Steel High-Speed RC Print Dryer
- Professional darkroom chemicals (Ilford ID-11 developer, Ilford PQ Universal Paper Developer, Kodak Indicator Stop Bath, Ilford Hypam Rapid Fixer, Kodak Photo-Flo 200 Solution, Kodak Hypo-Clearing Agent)
- Stainless steel developing sinks with professional developing trays
- Zone VI print washer tank
- stainless steel developing sinks for mural prints
- 72-inch x 54-inch stainless steel washout sink for mural prints
- Lighting Studio backdrops
- Various studio lights
- Various 35mm cameras and lenses
- medium format cameras
- Large-Format 4-inch x 5-inch cameras
- Ilford Multigrade filter kits
Our digital studio includes:
- Epson Stylus Pro 9900 Inkjet Printer (max. 44 inches wide)
- Epson Stylus Pro 4880 Inkjet Printer (max. 17 inches wide)
- Nikon CoolScan 9000 Negative Scanner
- Epson Perfection V750 Pro Flatbed Scanner
- imac Computers (with Adobe Creative Suite and ColorMunki colour calibration software)
- Various Printing Media (Epson Premium Lustre Photo Paper, Epson Hot-Press Photo Paper, Ilford Galerie Fiber Silk, Pictorico Pro Ultra Premium OHP Transparency Film)
- Canon G11 Digital SLR Cameras
- Nikon D90 Digital SLR Cameras
- Sony XGA Digital Projectors
- Green screen
- Sony Digital Camcorder