Bob Gaglardi School of Business and Economics

Marketing Major/Minor

The Marketing Major is a challenging program that prepares students to assume many of the most important positions in business. Marketers, as they like to call themselves, are a company's creative force. Focusing on the marketing mix or four Ps of product, price, promotion, and place, they devise potentially profitable new product or service ideas that meet the needs of specific target markets, and then develop and execute the detailed plans needed for their implementation. Other employees in accounting, finance, or human resource management simply assist marketing professionals in this primary task and depend on them to generate the revenues needed for survival.

After graduation, students secure employment with many types of organizations such as advertising firms, consumer product companies, retail chains, wholesalers, media outlets like TV or radio stations, auto dealerships, tourist resorts, government ministries, and non-profits like hospitals. An increasing number have also been successful in starting their own small businesses, while a few have gone on to earn graduate degrees in hopes of pursuing careers in teaching or research at the college or university level.

For those students wanting only an exposure to marketing, a Marketing Minor is also available.

Learning objectives

Upon completion of this program, students are able to:

  1. Discuss the importance of marketing to a business enterprise in terms of the development, pricing, promotion and distribution of its products and services.
  2. Analyze the effect that psychological, social and cultural factors have on consumer behaviour and how this influences marketing decision making.
  3. Develop a market research plan to analyze the business environment and consumer and business-to-business behaviour using appropriate primary and secondary data sources.
  4. Segment different target markets and successfully position products and services in these segments under varying competitive scenarios.
  5. Examine the financial implications of marketing decisions.
  6. Appraise different ethical concerns in marketing.
  7. Formulate marketing plans to address business problems and opportunities, both broadly and in a variety of specialized areas of marketing.
  8. Integrate appropriate marketing strategies to grow and sustain the value of an organization’s brands.
  9. Apply marketing principles in a professional capacity.
Major requirements
MKTG 3470
Consumer Behaviour (3,0,0)

MKTG 3470 Consumer Behaviour (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students examine the psychological, social and cultural theories and concepts that provide insight into consumer behaviour and then apply these principles to different consumer decision-making contexts. Topics include defining consumer behaviour and consumer behaviour research and examining how perception, learning and memory, motivation and affect, self-perception, personality, life-style, values, attitude, group influences, income, social class, family structure, subcultures, and culture affect consumer decision making.
Prerequisite: MKTG 2430 (minimum C-) or equivalent
Note: Students cannot receive credit for more than one of MKTG 3470, MKTG 3471, TMGT 4130, BBUS 3470 or BBUS 3471
For more information, search for this course here.

MKTG 3480
Marketing Research (3,0,0)

MKTG 3480 Marketing Research (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students develop an understanding of marketing research and its values in analyzing consumers, markets, and the environment. Topics include an introduction to market research, the marketing research industry and research ethics, the marketing research process, secondary data and databases, qualitative research, traditional survey research, primary data collection, measurement, questionnaire design, basic sampling issues, sample size determination, and statistical testing.
Prerequisite: MKTG 2430 and ECON 2330 (minimum C- grades) or equivalent
Note: Students can only receive credit for one of MKTG 3480, MKTG 3841, TMGT 3050, BBUS 3480 or BBUS 3481.
For more information, search for this course here.

MKTG 4460
Marketing Strategy (3,0,0)

MKTG 4460 Marketing Strategy (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students learn how to effectively analyze marketing problems and opportunities in a rapidly changing environment, and then develop appropriate strategies. Emphasis is placed on building long-term customer relationships and adopting a strong customer orientation through imagination, vision and courage. Topics include segmentation, targeting and positioning (STP); creating competitive advantage; marketing program development; implementation of the marketing plan; and developing and maintaining long-term customer relationships. A marketing strategy simulation, marketing project, or marketing audit is used to reinforce course concepts.
Prerequisite: FNCE 2120 or equivalent with a minimum grade C- and MKTG 3480 or equivalent with a minimum grade C-
Note: Students cannot receive credit for more than one of MKTG 4460, MKTG 4461, BBUS 4460 or TMGT 4140
For more information, search for this course here.

Plus at least five of:
BUSN 4990
***Selected Topics in Business Administration (3,0,0)

BUSN 4990 ***Selected Topics in Business Administration (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

The subject matter in this course varies from semester to semester depending upon the interests of students and faculty. Courses are taught by visiting professors to instill their unique perspectives or regular faculty to address emerging topics in a discipline, share research or teaching interests, or test potential new courses.
Prerequisite: Permission of the program advisor
Note: Students cannot receive credit for both BUSN 4990 and BBUS 4990
For more information, search for this course here.

ECON 4330
Forecasting in Business and Economics (3,0,0)

ECON 4330 Forecasting in Business and Economics (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students apply a variety of forecasting methods to solve problems in business and economics. Topics include qualitative forecasting methods; the forecasting process, data considerations, and model selection; moving averages and exponential smoothing; multiple regression and time series decomposition; Box-Jenkins methodology to fit autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (ARCH); time-varying volatility and autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) and vector autoregressive models; combining forecasting results; and implementing forecasting.
Prerequisite: ECON 2330 or ECON 3330 or equivalent
Exclusion: BUEC 4330
For more information, search for this course here.

MKTG 3450
Professional Selling (3,0,0)

MKTG 3450 Professional Selling (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students will gain an overall view of the professional selling function. They will come to understand the role of personal selling in marketing and society and its application within organizations. Topics include relationship selling opportunities; creating value with a relationship strategy; developing a relationship strategy; communication styles; creating production solutions; buying process and buyer behavior; approaching the customer; developing and qualifying a prospect base; determining customer needs; sales demonstration; negotiating buyer concerns; and closing and confirming the sale.
Prerequisite: MKTG 2430 (minimum C-) or equivalent
Note: Students cannot receive credit for more than one of MKTG 3450, MKTG 3451, HMGT 2120, BBUS 3450 or BBUS 3451
For more information, search for this course here.

MKTG 4400
Professional Sales Management (3,0,0)

MKTG 4400 Professional Sales Management (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students prepare for the role of an effective sales manager in today's hyper-competitive global economy by integrating current technology, research, and strategic planning activities. Topics include the role of the sales manager; buying and selling processes; customer relationship management; organizing the sales force; sales forecasting and budgeting; selecting, training, compensating, and motivating the salesperson; and evaluating salesperson performance.
Prerequisite: MKTG 3450 (minimum C-) or equivalent
Note: Students will receive credit for only one of MKTG 4400 or BBUS 4400
For more information, search for this course here.

MKTG 4410
Services Marketing (3,0,0)

MKTG 4410 Services Marketing (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students develop a thorough understanding of the extended marketing mix and service quality in service businesses. Topics include new perspectives on services marketing; consumer behaviour in a service context; positioning services in competitive markets; developing service products; distributing services through physical and e-channels; the pricing and promotion of services; designing and managing service processes; balancing demand and productive capacity; crafting the service environment; managing people for service advantage; and service quality.
Prerequisite: MKTG 2430 (minimum C-) or equivalent
Note: Students will receive credit for only one of MKTG 4410, MKTG 4411, BBUS 4410 or BBUS 4411.
For more information, search for this course here.

MKTG 4412
New Product Development (3,0,0)

MKTG 4412 New Product Development (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students develop the conceptual, analytical and decision-making skills and knowledge of industry best practices needed to successfully develop and launch new products and services. Topics include opportunity identification and selection; concept generation; concept evaluation; product/service development and product testing; and marketing testing and managing the product/service launch.
Prerequisite: FNCE 2120 or equivalent with a minimum C- grade and MKTG 3480 or equivalent with a minimum C- grade
For more information, search for this course here.

MKTG 4420
Brand Management (3,0,0)

MKTG 4420 Brand Management (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students learn how brands are managed as strategic assets. They develop the necessary knowledge and skills for creating, measuring, maintaining and growing brand equity in a competitive market place. Topics include an introduction to brands and brand management, identifying and establishing brand positioning and values, planning and implementing brand marketing programs, measuring and interpreting brand equity, and growing and sustaining brand equity.
Prerequisite: MKTG 2430 (minimum C-) or equivalent
Note: Students will receive credit for only one of MKTG 4420 or BBUS 4420.
For more information, search for this course here.

MKTG 4422
Social Media Marketing (3,0,0)

MKTG 4422 Social Media Marketing (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students examine the growing importance of social media as part of Internet marketing. The goal is to produce attractive up-to-date content that users will share as part of their own social networking websites. Topics include the role of social media marketing; goals and strategies; identification of target audiences; rules of engagement for social media marketing; social media platforms and social networking sites; microblogging; content creation and sharing; video marketing; marketing on photo sharing websites; discussions, news, social bookmarking and question and answer sites; content marketing; mobile marketing; social media monitoring; tools for managing the social media marketing effort; and social media marketing plan.
Prerequisite: MKTG 2430 or equivalent with a minimum C-
For more information, search for this course here.

MKTG 4430
Retail Management (3,0,0)

MKTG 4430 Retail Management (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students develop an in-depth understanding of retail and services management as well as non-store retailing. Topics include defining retail, customer behaviour, retail location decisions, merchandising, design and layout, retail pricing, promotion, retail employees, customer loyalty, and international retailing.
Prerequisite: MKTG 2430 (minimum C-) or equivalent
Note: Students will receive credit for only one of MKTG 4430, MKTG 4431, BBUS 4430 or BBUS 4431.
For more information, search for this course here.

MKTG 4450
E-Commerce (3,0,0)

MKTG 4450 E-Commerce (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students examine how the internet is rapidly becoming one of the primary communications, marketing and commercial medium for businesses in almost every industry, and how managers can effectively use this tool to execute their organization's strategic plans. Topics include the E-Commerce business models and concepts; E-Commerce infrastructure; building E-Commerce presence; E-Commerce security and payment systems; E-Commerce marketing and advertising concepts; social, mobile and local marketing; ethical, social and political issues in E-Commerce; online retailing and services; online content and media; social networks, auctions and portals; and business-to-business E-Commerce.
Prerequisite: MKTG 2430 (minimum C-) or equivalent
Note: Students will receive credit for only one of MKTG 4450, MKTG 4451, BBUS 4450, BBUS 4451 or BBUS 4453.
For more information, search for this course here.

MKTG 4470
International Marketing (3,0,0)

MKTG 4470 International Marketing (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students explore all aspects of marketing from a global perspective to better respond to international opportunities and competitive situations. Topics include an overview of international marketing; history and geography and its effect on culture; cultural dynamics in assessing global markets; culture, management style and business systems; the political environment; assessing global market opportunities in the Americas, Europe, Africa, Middle East, and Asia Pacific Region; planning for global market entry; products and services for international consumers; products and services for international businesses; and international marketing channels.
Prerequisite: MKTG 2430 (minimum C-) or equivalent
Note: Students will receive credit for only one of MKTG 4470, MKTG 4471, BBUS 4470 or BBUS 4471.
For more information, search for this course here.

MKTG 4480
Integrated Marketing Communications (3,0,0)

MKTG 4480 Integrated Marketing Communications (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students examine the promotional mix including advertising, publicity, personal selling and sales promotion from an integrative perspective. They then learn how to create and manage these promotional tools to successfully execute a business' strategic plan. Topics include an introduction to integrated marketing communication; organizing integrated marketing communication; consumer behavior and target market review; communication response models; objectives and the integrated marketing communication plan; brand positioning strategy decisions; creative strategy decisions; creative tactics decisions; types of media; media planning and budgeting; social, ethical and legal issues; and international marketing communications.
Prerequisite: MKTG 2430 (minimum C-) or equivalent
Note: Students will receive credit for only one of MKTG 4480, MKTG 4481, BBUS 4480 or BBUS 4481.
For more information, search for this course here.

MKTG 4490
Business-to-Business Marketing (3,0,0)

MKTG 4490 Business-to-Business Marketing (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students examine how important the marketing of products and services to other businesses and organizations is to the economy, the unique nature of business customers' needs, and the different marketing strategies that can be employed to meet those needs. Topics include business markets and business marketing; character of business marketing; organizational buyer behavior; legal and regulatory environment; marketing strategy; market opportunities for current and potential customers via market research; segmentation, targeting and positioning in the business-to-business context; developing and managing product and service offerings; innovation and competitiveness; pricing; business development and planning; sales; branding; business marketing channels and partnerships; connecting through advertising, trade shows, and public relations; marketing via the Internet; and business ethics.
Prerequisite: MKTG 2430 (minimum C-) or equivalent
Note: Students will receive credit for only one of MKTG 4490, MKTG 4491, BBUS 4490 or BBUS 4491.
For more information, search for this course here.

Minor requirements
At least four of:
BUSN 4990
***Selected Topics in Business Administration (3,0,0)

BUSN 4990 ***Selected Topics in Business Administration (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

The subject matter in this course varies from semester to semester depending upon the interests of students and faculty. Courses are taught by visiting professors to instill their unique perspectives or regular faculty to address emerging topics in a discipline, share research or teaching interests, or test potential new courses.
Prerequisite: Permission of the program advisor
Note: Students cannot receive credit for both BUSN 4990 and BBUS 4990
For more information, search for this course here.

ECON 4330
Forecasting in Business and Economics (3,0,0)

ECON 4330 Forecasting in Business and Economics (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students apply a variety of forecasting methods to solve problems in business and economics. Topics include qualitative forecasting methods; the forecasting process, data considerations, and model selection; moving averages and exponential smoothing; multiple regression and time series decomposition; Box-Jenkins methodology to fit autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (ARCH); time-varying volatility and autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) and vector autoregressive models; combining forecasting results; and implementing forecasting.
Prerequisite: ECON 2330 or ECON 3330 or equivalent
Exclusion: BUEC 4330
For more information, search for this course here.

MKTG 3450
Professional Selling (3,0,0)

MKTG 3450 Professional Selling (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students will gain an overall view of the professional selling function. They will come to understand the role of personal selling in marketing and society and its application within organizations. Topics include relationship selling opportunities; creating value with a relationship strategy; developing a relationship strategy; communication styles; creating production solutions; buying process and buyer behavior; approaching the customer; developing and qualifying a prospect base; determining customer needs; sales demonstration; negotiating buyer concerns; and closing and confirming the sale.
Prerequisite: MKTG 2430 (minimum C-) or equivalent
Note: Students cannot receive credit for more than one of MKTG 3450, MKTG 3451, HMGT 2120, BBUS 3450 or BBUS 3451
For more information, search for this course here.

MKTG 3470
Consumer Behaviour (3,0,0)

MKTG 3470 Consumer Behaviour (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students examine the psychological, social and cultural theories and concepts that provide insight into consumer behaviour and then apply these principles to different consumer decision-making contexts. Topics include defining consumer behaviour and consumer behaviour research and examining how perception, learning and memory, motivation and affect, self-perception, personality, life-style, values, attitude, group influences, income, social class, family structure, subcultures, and culture affect consumer decision making.
Prerequisite: MKTG 2430 (minimum C-) or equivalent
Note: Students cannot receive credit for more than one of MKTG 3470, MKTG 3471, TMGT 4130, BBUS 3470 or BBUS 3471
For more information, search for this course here.

MKTG 3480
Marketing Research (3,0,0)

MKTG 3480 Marketing Research (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students develop an understanding of marketing research and its values in analyzing consumers, markets, and the environment. Topics include an introduction to market research, the marketing research industry and research ethics, the marketing research process, secondary data and databases, qualitative research, traditional survey research, primary data collection, measurement, questionnaire design, basic sampling issues, sample size determination, and statistical testing.
Prerequisite: MKTG 2430 and ECON 2330 (minimum C- grades) or equivalent
Note: Students can only receive credit for one of MKTG 3480, MKTG 3841, TMGT 3050, BBUS 3480 or BBUS 3481.
For more information, search for this course here.

MKTG 4400
Professional Sales Management (3,0,0)

MKTG 4400 Professional Sales Management (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students prepare for the role of an effective sales manager in today's hyper-competitive global economy by integrating current technology, research, and strategic planning activities. Topics include the role of the sales manager; buying and selling processes; customer relationship management; organizing the sales force; sales forecasting and budgeting; selecting, training, compensating, and motivating the salesperson; and evaluating salesperson performance.
Prerequisite: MKTG 3450 (minimum C-) or equivalent
Note: Students will receive credit for only one of MKTG 4400 or BBUS 4400
For more information, search for this course here.

MKTG 4410
Services Marketing (3,0,0)

MKTG 4410 Services Marketing (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students develop a thorough understanding of the extended marketing mix and service quality in service businesses. Topics include new perspectives on services marketing; consumer behaviour in a service context; positioning services in competitive markets; developing service products; distributing services through physical and e-channels; the pricing and promotion of services; designing and managing service processes; balancing demand and productive capacity; crafting the service environment; managing people for service advantage; and service quality.
Prerequisite: MKTG 2430 (minimum C-) or equivalent
Note: Students will receive credit for only one of MKTG 4410, MKTG 4411, BBUS 4410 or BBUS 4411.
For more information, search for this course here.

MKTG 4412
New Product Development (3,0,0)

MKTG 4412 New Product Development (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students develop the conceptual, analytical and decision-making skills and knowledge of industry best practices needed to successfully develop and launch new products and services. Topics include opportunity identification and selection; concept generation; concept evaluation; product/service development and product testing; and marketing testing and managing the product/service launch.
Prerequisite: FNCE 2120 or equivalent with a minimum C- grade and MKTG 3480 or equivalent with a minimum C- grade
For more information, search for this course here.

MKTG 4420
Brand Management (3,0,0)

MKTG 4420 Brand Management (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students learn how brands are managed as strategic assets. They develop the necessary knowledge and skills for creating, measuring, maintaining and growing brand equity in a competitive market place. Topics include an introduction to brands and brand management, identifying and establishing brand positioning and values, planning and implementing brand marketing programs, measuring and interpreting brand equity, and growing and sustaining brand equity.
Prerequisite: MKTG 2430 (minimum C-) or equivalent
Note: Students will receive credit for only one of MKTG 4420 or BBUS 4420.
For more information, search for this course here.

MKTG 4422
Social Media Marketing (3,0,0)

MKTG 4422 Social Media Marketing (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students examine the growing importance of social media as part of Internet marketing. The goal is to produce attractive up-to-date content that users will share as part of their own social networking websites. Topics include the role of social media marketing; goals and strategies; identification of target audiences; rules of engagement for social media marketing; social media platforms and social networking sites; microblogging; content creation and sharing; video marketing; marketing on photo sharing websites; discussions, news, social bookmarking and question and answer sites; content marketing; mobile marketing; social media monitoring; tools for managing the social media marketing effort; and social media marketing plan.
Prerequisite: MKTG 2430 or equivalent with a minimum C-
For more information, search for this course here.

MKTG 4430
Retail Management (3,0,0)

MKTG 4430 Retail Management (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students develop an in-depth understanding of retail and services management as well as non-store retailing. Topics include defining retail, customer behaviour, retail location decisions, merchandising, design and layout, retail pricing, promotion, retail employees, customer loyalty, and international retailing.
Prerequisite: MKTG 2430 (minimum C-) or equivalent
Note: Students will receive credit for only one of MKTG 4430, MKTG 4431, BBUS 4430 or BBUS 4431.
For more information, search for this course here.

MKTG 4450
E-Commerce (3,0,0)

MKTG 4450 E-Commerce (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students examine how the internet is rapidly becoming one of the primary communications, marketing and commercial medium for businesses in almost every industry, and how managers can effectively use this tool to execute their organization's strategic plans. Topics include the E-Commerce business models and concepts; E-Commerce infrastructure; building E-Commerce presence; E-Commerce security and payment systems; E-Commerce marketing and advertising concepts; social, mobile and local marketing; ethical, social and political issues in E-Commerce; online retailing and services; online content and media; social networks, auctions and portals; and business-to-business E-Commerce.
Prerequisite: MKTG 2430 (minimum C-) or equivalent
Note: Students will receive credit for only one of MKTG 4450, MKTG 4451, BBUS 4450, BBUS 4451 or BBUS 4453.
For more information, search for this course here.

MKTG 4460
Marketing Strategy (3,0,0)

MKTG 4460 Marketing Strategy (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students learn how to effectively analyze marketing problems and opportunities in a rapidly changing environment, and then develop appropriate strategies. Emphasis is placed on building long-term customer relationships and adopting a strong customer orientation through imagination, vision and courage. Topics include segmentation, targeting and positioning (STP); creating competitive advantage; marketing program development; implementation of the marketing plan; and developing and maintaining long-term customer relationships. A marketing strategy simulation, marketing project, or marketing audit is used to reinforce course concepts.
Prerequisite: FNCE 2120 or equivalent with a minimum grade C- and MKTG 3480 or equivalent with a minimum grade C-
Note: Students cannot receive credit for more than one of MKTG 4460, MKTG 4461, BBUS 4460 or TMGT 4140
For more information, search for this course here.

MKTG 4470
International Marketing (3,0,0)

MKTG 4470 International Marketing (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students explore all aspects of marketing from a global perspective to better respond to international opportunities and competitive situations. Topics include an overview of international marketing; history and geography and its effect on culture; cultural dynamics in assessing global markets; culture, management style and business systems; the political environment; assessing global market opportunities in the Americas, Europe, Africa, Middle East, and Asia Pacific Region; planning for global market entry; products and services for international consumers; products and services for international businesses; and international marketing channels.
Prerequisite: MKTG 2430 (minimum C-) or equivalent
Note: Students will receive credit for only one of MKTG 4470, MKTG 4471, BBUS 4470 or BBUS 4471.
For more information, search for this course here.

MKTG 4480
Integrated Marketing Communications (3,0,0)

MKTG 4480 Integrated Marketing Communications (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students examine the promotional mix including advertising, publicity, personal selling and sales promotion from an integrative perspective. They then learn how to create and manage these promotional tools to successfully execute a business' strategic plan. Topics include an introduction to integrated marketing communication; organizing integrated marketing communication; consumer behavior and target market review; communication response models; objectives and the integrated marketing communication plan; brand positioning strategy decisions; creative strategy decisions; creative tactics decisions; types of media; media planning and budgeting; social, ethical and legal issues; and international marketing communications.
Prerequisite: MKTG 2430 (minimum C-) or equivalent
Note: Students will receive credit for only one of MKTG 4480, MKTG 4481, BBUS 4480 or BBUS 4481.
For more information, search for this course here.

MKTG 4490
Business-to-Business Marketing (3,0,0)

MKTG 4490 Business-to-Business Marketing (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students examine how important the marketing of products and services to other businesses and organizations is to the economy, the unique nature of business customers' needs, and the different marketing strategies that can be employed to meet those needs. Topics include business markets and business marketing; character of business marketing; organizational buyer behavior; legal and regulatory environment; marketing strategy; market opportunities for current and potential customers via market research; segmentation, targeting and positioning in the business-to-business context; developing and managing product and service offerings; innovation and competitiveness; pricing; business development and planning; sales; branding; business marketing channels and partnerships; connecting through advertising, trade shows, and public relations; marketing via the Internet; and business ethics.
Prerequisite: MKTG 2430 (minimum C-) or equivalent
Note: Students will receive credit for only one of MKTG 4490, MKTG 4491, BBUS 4490 or BBUS 4491.
For more information, search for this course here.


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