Bob Gaglardi School of Business and Economics

Program Structure

The purpose of the Graduate Diploma in Business Administration (GDBA) is to ensure all students, regardless of their educational backgrounds, have the business knowledge and skills to successfully apply the economic sustainable management principles learned. Students must complete the six courses in the GDBA to be admitted to the master’s degree Year 2 but may receive a course waiver for some or all of the GDBA courses based on their previous academic record.

Applicants with a four-year business degree from an acceptable institution may be eligible to proceed directly to the MEEM accelerated program as described below.

Students may receive course waivers for specific GDBA courses if the degree committee determines they have recent equivalent undergraduate or graduate course work in the area from an acceptable institution.

Year One: GDBA
BUSN 5010
Managerial Statistics (3,0,0)

BUSN 5010 Managerial Statistics (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students examine the statistical methods and tools required for decision making in today's business environment. Topics include descriptive statistics and numerical measures, statistical inferences with two populations, hypothesis tests and nonparametric methods, analysis of variance, simple regression models, multiple regression models, regression and the model building process, regression models with categorical dependent variables and applied models with categorical dependent variables.
Prerequisite: Admission to the GDBA or MBA or approval of degree committee
Note: Students may only receive credit for one of BUSN 5010, BUSN 5011 and GBUS 5010
For more information, search for this course here.

BUSN 5011
Managerial Statistics

BUSN 5011 Managerial Statistics

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Distance

Students examine the statistical methods and tools required for decision making in today's business environment. Topics include descriptive statistics and numerical measures, statistical inferences with two populations, hypothesis tests and nonparametric methods, analysis of variance, simple regression models, multiple regression models, regression and the model building process, regression models with categorical dependent variables and applied models with categorical dependent variables.
Prerequisite: Admission to the GDBA or MBA or approval of degree committee
Note: Students cannot get credit for more than one of BUSN 5010, BUSN 5011, GBUS 5010-Applied Statistics
View course details.

BUSN 5020
Financial Accounting (3,0,0)

BUSN 5020 Financial Accounting (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to understand financial statements. They analyze the many accounting policy choices available to companies, and the consequences of these choices for users. Topics include recording basic financial transactions, financial statement preparation, adjusting entries, accounting for receivables and inventories, depreciation and sale of capital assets, bonds and long-term debt, equity transactions, the cash flow statement, revenue and expense recognition, and leases and pensions.
Prerequisite: Admission to GDBA or MBA or approval of degree committee
Note: Students may only receive credit for one of BUSN 5020, BUSN 5021 or GBUS 5000
For more information, search for this course here.

BUSN 5021
Financial Accounting

BUSN 5021 Financial Accounting

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Distance

Students acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to understand financial statements. They analyze the many accounting policy choices available to companies, and the consequences of these choices for users. Topics include recording basic financial transactions, financial statement preparation, adjusting entries, accounting for receivables and inventories, depreciation and sale of capital assets, bonds and long-term debt, equity transactions, the cash flow statement, revenue and expense recognition, and leases and pensions.
Prerequisite: Admission to the GDBA or MBA or approval of degree committee.
Note: Students cannot get credit for more than one of BUSN 5020, BUSN 5021, GBUS 5000-Financial Reporting and Analysis.
View course details.

BUSN 5030
Management Accounting (3,0,0)

BUSN 5030 Management Accounting (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students explore the three functions managers must perform within their organizations: planning operations, controlling activities and making decisions. To perform these functions efficiently, managers must collect and interpret appropriate information based on the firm ́s long-term strategy and annual objectives. Topics include an introduction to management accounting; costs and cost behaviours; job or project costing; activity-based costing; cost behaviour and the contribution margin; cost, volume, profit analysis; budgeting; budget variances and performance evaluation; performance measures and the balance scorecard; and short-term decision analysis.
Prerequisite: BUSN 5020 or equivalent
Note: Students may only receive credit for one of BUSN 5030, BUSN 5031 or GBUS 5030
For more information, search for this course here.

BUSN 5031
Management Accounting

BUSN 5031 Management Accounting

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Distance

Students explore the three functions managers must perform within their organizations: planning operations, controlling activities and making decisions. To perform these functions efficiently, managers must collect and interpret appropriate information based on the firm´s long-term strategy and annual objectives. Topics include an introduction to management accounting; costs and cost behaviours; job or project costing; activity-based costing; cost behaviour and the contribution margin; cost, volume, profit analysis; budgeting; budget variances and performance evaluation; performance measures and the balance scorecard; and short-term decision analysis.
Prerequisite: BUSN 5021
Note: Students cannot get credit for more than one of BUSN 5030, BUSN 5031, GBUS 5030-Financial Planning and Control Systems.
View course details.

BUSN 5040
Economics for Managers (3,0,0)

BUSN 5040 Economics for Managers (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Student develop an understanding of the fundamental tools of economic analysis that are essential for understanding managerial decision-making. Microeconomic topics include demand and supply, elasticities, production and cost analysis in the short-run and long-run, market structures and pricing strategies. Macroeconomic topics include an examination of indicators, such as GDP, economic growth, interest rates, unemployment rates, and inflation, and an overview of fiscal and monetary policies.
Prerequisite: Admission to the Graduate Certificate in Business Administration
Corequisite: None
Note: Students may only receive credit for one of BUSN 5040, BUSN 5041 or GBUS 5050
For more information, search for this course here.

BUSN 5041
Economics for Managers

BUSN 5041 Economics for Managers

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Distance

Student develop an understanding of the fundamental tools of economic analysis that are essential for understanding managerial decision-making. Microeconomic topics include demand and supply, elasticities, production and cost analysis in the short-run and long-run, market structures and pricing strategies. Macroeconomic topics include an examination of indicators, such as GDP, economic growth, interest rates, unemployment rates, and inflation, and an overview of fiscal and monetary policies.
Prerequisite: Admission to the GDBA or MBA or approval of degree committee.
Note: Students cannot get credit for more than one of BUSN 5040, BUSN 5041, GBUS 5050-Global Economics.
View course details.

BUSN 5050
Marketing Management (3,0,0)

BUSN 5050 Marketing Management (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students examine the key principles and concepts of marketing in a variety of contexts including nonprofit, international, services, and environmental issues. Topics include marketing strategy, marketing research, customer relationship management, market segmentation, branding, pricing strategies, channels of distribution, integrated marketing communications, and international marketing.
Prerequisite: Admission to GDBA or MBA or approval of degree committee
Note: Students may only receive credit for one of BUSN 5050, BUSN 5051 or GBUS 5100
For more information, search for this course here.

BUSN 5051
Marketing Management

BUSN 5051 Marketing Management

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Distance

Students examine the key principles and concepts of marketing, and are introduced to marketing in a variety of contexts including not-for-profit, international, services, and environmental issues. Topics covered include marketing strategy, marketing research, customer relationship management, market segmentation, branding, products and services, pricing strategies, channels of distribution, integrated marketing communications, and international marketing.
Prerequisite: Admission to GDBA or MBA or approval of degree committee.
Note: Students cannot get credit for more than one of BUSN 5050, BUSN 5051, GBUS 5100-Marketing Management.
View course details.

BUSN 5060
Human Resource Management (3,0,0)

BUSN 5060 Human Resource Management (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students acquire the knowledge and skills required to effectively design and manage a human resource management system. Human resource management systems that are aligned with strategic objectives and more capable of attracting, deploying, developing and retaining human capital are key contributors to organizational competitiveness and success. Topics include the strategic role of human resource management; the legal environment; designing and analyzing jobs; planning and recruitment; selection; orientation and training; performance appraisal; compensation; employee benefits and services; occupational health and safety; effective employee relations; and labour relations, collective bargaining, and contract administration.
Prerequisite: Admission to GDBA or MBA or approval of degree committee
Note: Students may only receive credit for one of BUSN 5060, BUSN 5061 or GBUS 5140
For more information, search for this course here.

BUSN 5061
Human Resource Management

BUSN 5061 Human Resource Management

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Distance

Students acquire the knowledge and skills required to effectively design and manage a human resource management system. Human resource management systems that are aligned with strategic objectives and capable of attracting, deploying, developing, and retaining human capital are key contributors to organizational competitiveness and success. Topics include the strategic role of human resource management; the legal environment; designing and analyzing jobs; planning and recruitment; selection; orientation and training; performance appraisal; compensation; employee benefits and services; occupational health and safety; effective employee relations; and labour relations, collective bargaining, and contract administration.
Prerequisite: Admission to GDBA or MBA or approval of degree committee.
Note: Students cannot get credit for more than one of BUSN 5060, BUSN 5061, GBUS 5140-Human Resource Management.
View course details.

Note: course numbers ending in "1" are online courses.

Students who successfully complete each GDBA course with an overall GPA of B (3.0) or better can apply to be awarded a Graduate Diploma in Business Administration.

Year Two: MEEM
ECON 6010
Principles of Environmental and Natural Resource Economics (3,0,0)

ECON 6010 Principles of Environmental and Natural Resource Economics (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students are introduced to normative economics and receive a board overview of different approaches to economic analysis of the environment and resources. Environmental, ecological and resource problems are discussed and economic solutions are identified, analyzed and critiqued. Topics include an introduction to economic efficiency; externalities, common resources and public good provision issues; the theory of non-renewable natural resources; cost-benefit analysis; ecological economics and green accounting; and the economics of climate change.
Prerequisite: Admission to MEEM or MScEEM or approval of degree committee.
Note: Students cannot receive credit for both ECON 6010 and ESMN 6010.
For more information, search for this course here.

ECON 6020
Applied Microeconomics for Sustainable Management (3,0,0)

ECON 6020 Applied Microeconomics for Sustainable Management (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students examine more advanced microeconomic tools and apply these to economic sustainable management. Topics include market analysis for economic sustainability, demand analysis and estimation, the role of elasticities in sustainable management; consumer behavior and rationale choice; risk behavior and assessment; production efficiency; cost analysis and estimation; the role of the market structure for sustainable management; game theory and strategic behavior; and asymmetric information problems.
Prerequisite: Admission to MEEM or MScEEM or approval of degree committee.
Note: Students cannot receive credit for both ECON 6020 and ESMN 6020.
For more information, search for this course here.

ECON 6030
Foundations of Cost-Benefit Analysis (3,0,0)

ECON 6030 Foundations of Cost-Benefit Analysis (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students are introduced to the principles and practice of cost-benefit analysis and how it is applied to evaluating public policies and specific projects. Topics include the conceptual and economic foundations of cost-benefit analysis; valuing benefits and costs in primary and secondary markets; discounting benefits and costs; evaluation criteria; incorporating uncertainty and risk; the role of option price and value; existence value of projects; social discount rate; and predicting and monetizing impacts. Applications relate to such areas as human resource, natural resource, recreation economics plus economic development and urban planning.
Prerequisite: Admission to the MEEM or MScEEM or approval of degree committee.
Note: Students cannot receive credit for both ECON 6030 and ESMN 6030.
For more information, search for this course here.

ECON 6040
Valuation Methods for Cost-Benefit Analysis (3,0,0)

ECON 6040 Valuation Methods for Cost-Benefit Analysis (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Building on Foundations of Cost-Benefit Analysis, students explore advanced techniques of valuing impacts and contingent valuation methods for investment projects. Valuation methods will be conducted using experiments, quasi-experiments, direct estimation and other indirect market methods. Other topics include contingent valuation, hedonic pricing method, shadow prices, econometrics of contingent valuation, cost-effectiveness analysis, distributional weighted cost-benefit analysis, and hypothesis testing in contingent valuation surveys. A critique of the valuation approaches for non-market goods and services from a philosophical perspective will be addressed.
Prerequisite: ECON 6010, ECON 6020 and ECON 6030 or equivalent.
Note: Students cannot receive credit for both ECON 6040 and ESMN 6040.
For more information, search for this course here.

ECON 6050
Sustainable Community Economic Development (3,0,0)

ECON 6050 Sustainable Community Economic Development (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students learn about the sustainable development of urban and rural communities with an emphasis on critical evaluation of the theory and strategies and application of analytical techniques. Topics include the theoretical basis for community economic development (CED); a critical analysis of theories explaining CED; analytical techniques for community evaluation; economic impact analysis; an assessment of environmental and economic sustainability objectives for project selection; third sector structures; competing strategies for community development; financial strategies and challenges; the role of the public sector in CED; and an overview of CED activity in Canada and other nations.
Prerequisite: Admission to MEEM or MScEEM or approval of degree committee.
Note: Students cannot receive credit for both ECON 6050 and ESMN 6050.
For more information, search for this course here.

ECON 6060
Applications of Environmental and Natural Resource Economics (3,0,0)

ECON 6060 Applications of Environmental and Natural Resource Economics (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students apply the principles of sustainable economic management to environmental and resource issues. Topics include population and the environment; agriculture and food; scarcity and abundance of resources; energy sector; renewable resource using in the fisheries and the forestry sector; water economics; pollution, impacts and policy responses; industrial ecology; trade and development and the environment; and institutions for sustainable development.
Prerequisite: ECON 6010 and ECON 6020 or equivalent.
Note: Students cannot receive credit for both ECON 6060 and ESMN 6060.
For more information, search for this course here.

ECON 6070
Sustainable Macroeconomic Development (3,0,0)

ECON 6070 Sustainable Macroeconomic Development (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students explore the macroeconomic theories and issues, internal and external challenges, and alternative policy options for sustainable economic development. Topics include a comparative analysis of the leading theories of economic growth, development and sustainability; lack of economic growth, poverty and income distribution; consequences of population growth and technological change; employment and migration, human capital, agriculture and rural development, international trade and commercial policy, foreign investment and aid; and global integration, economic transition and environmental degradation.
Prerequisite: Admission to MEEM or MScEEM or approval of degree committee.
Note: Students cannot receive credit for both ECON 6070 and ESMN 6070.
For more information, search for this course here.

ECON 6080
Policy and Regulation for Sustainable Management (3,0,0)

ECON 6080 Policy and Regulation for Sustainable Management (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students explore the role of government policy in the regulation of the environment and sustainability. Topics include criteria for evaluating environmental policies; decentralized policies including liability laws and property rights; control and command policies; emission taxes and subsidies; transferable discharge permits; compliance costs, uncertainty, and information; federal and provincial environmental policy in Canada; air, land and water pollution control policies; policy on toxic and hazardous substances; local environmental issues; global environmental issues and policies.
Prerequisite: ECON 6060 or equivalent.
Note: Students cannot receive credit for both ECON 6080 and ESMN 6080.
For more information, search for this course here.

Additional required courses
BUSN 6010
Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility (3,0,0)

BUSN 6010 Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students become more effective decision makers by examining the meaning and role of ethics in the business environment, and the social responsibility of business organizations. Topics include an introduction business ethics; framing business ethics in terms of corporate social responsibility, stakeholders and citizenship; evaluating business ethics using normative ethical theories; making decisions in business ethics using descriptive ethical theories; tools and techniques of business ethics management; business ethics and shareholders, employees, consumers, suppliers, competitors, civil society, government and regulation; the future of business ethics.
Prerequisite: Admission to MBA or approval of degree committee
Note: Students may only receive credit for one of BUSN 6010, BUSN 6011 or GBUS 5150
For more information, search for this course here.

BUSN 6011
Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility

BUSN 6011 Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Distance

Students become more effective decision makers by examining the meaning and role of ethics in the business environment, and the social responsibility of business organizations. Topics include the relationship between business and society; identifying stakeholders and issues; the theoretical basis of business ethics; business ethics in management and leadership; the concept of corporate social responsibility; corporate social responsibility in practice; regulating business; ownership and governance of the corporation; environmental and business responsibilities; globalization and business responsibilities; and ethics, responsibilities, and strategy.
Prerequisite: Admission to MBA or approval of degree committee.
Note: Students cannot get credit for more than one of BUSN 6010, BUSN 6011, GBUS 5150-Leadership and Ethics.
View course details.

BUSN 6040
Leadership and Organizational Development (3,0,0)

BUSN 6040 Leadership and Organizational Development (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students adopt a systematic understanding of the characteristics of a successful leader and what is required by leaders to attune and align organizations to the ever-changing global business environment. Topics include new realities as a force for change; the prime task of leadership - identifying new realties; critical systems thinking; philosophies, theories, and styles of leadership; the systematic leadership approach; authority, obedience, and power; authority, power, leadership, and group dynamics; organizational behavior, group dynamics, and change; the shadow side of leadership; leadership and ethics; systematic leadership and strategy; and 'the leader in you'.
Prerequisite: BUSN 5060 or equivalent
Note: Students may only receive credit for one of BUSN 6040, BUSN 6041 of GBUS 5150
For more information, search for this course here.

BUSN 6041
Leadership and Organizational Development

BUSN 6041 Leadership and Organizational Development

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Distance

Students adopt a systematic understanding of the characteristics of a successful leader and what is required by leaders to attune and align organizations to the ever-changing global business environment. Topics include new realities as a force for change; the prime task of leadership – identifying new realties; critical systems thinking; philosophies, theories, and styles of leadership; the systematic leadership approach; authority, obedience, and power; authority, power, leadership, and group dynamics; organizational behavior, group dynamics, and change; the shadow side of leadership; leadership and ethics; systematic leadership and strategy; and 'the leader in you'.
Prerequisite: BUSN 5061 or equivalent
Note: Students cannot get credit for more than one of BUSN 6040, BUSN 6041, GBUS 5150-Leadership and Ethics.
View course details.

BUSN 6050
Supply Chain Management (3,0,0)

BUSN 6050 Supply Chain Management (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students acquire the knowledge and basic skills to effectively design a supply chain for an organization. Topics include an introduction to supply chain, the importance of information technology, supply chain slacks, demand management, supply management, inventory management, production management, transportation management, location analysis, sourcing decisions, supply chain strategy, and an overview of special types of supply chains such as green and humanitarian aid supply chains.
Prerequisite: BUSN 5010 and BUSN 5030 or equivalent
Note: Students may only receive credit for one of BUSN 6050, BUSN 6051 or GBUS 5130
For more information, search for this course here.

BUSN 6051
Supply Chain Management

BUSN 6051 Supply Chain Management

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Distance

Students acquire the knowledge and basic skills to effectively design a supply chain for an organization. Topics include an introduction to supply chain, the importance of information technology, supply chain slacks, demand management, supply management, inventory management, production management, transportation management, location analysis, sourcing decisions, supply chain strategy, and an overview of special types of supply chains such as green and humanitarian aid supply chains.
Prerequisite: BUSN 5011 or equivalent and BUSN 5031 or equivalent
Note: Students cannot get credit for more than one of BUSN 6050, BUSN 6051, GBUS 5130-Operations Management.
View course details.

BUSN 6070
Project Management and Consulting Methods (3,0,0)

BUSN 6070 Project Management and Consulting Methods (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students explore the concepts and practical techniques to apply consulting methods in their work and to participate in, or manage, complex projects. Topics include the five stages of the consulting process (entry and contracting, discovery and dialogue, analysis and the decision to act, engagement and implementation, and closing); analysis and presentation techniques; and an examination of the five major project process groups (project initiation, planning, execution, controlling, and closing).
Prerequisite: BUSN 6040 or equivalent
Note: Students may only receive credit for one of BUSN 6070, BUSN 6071 or GBUS 5210
For more information, search for this course here.

BUSN 6071
Project Management and Consulting Methods

BUSN 6071 Project Management and Consulting Methods

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Distance

Students explore the concepts and practical techniques to apply consulting methods in their work and to participate in or manage complex projects. The topics include the five stages of the consulting process which include entry and contracting, discovery and dialogue, analysis and the decision to act, engagement and implementation and closing; analysis and presentation techniques; and examination of the five major project process groups which include project initiation, planning, execution, controlling and closing.
Prerequisite: BUSN 6041 or equivalent
Note: Students cannot get credit for more than one of BUSN 6070, BUSN 6071, GBUS 5210-Research and Consulting Methods.
View course details.

Note: course numbers ending in "1" are online courses.


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