Bob Gaglardi School of Business and Economics

Program Structure

Two-year program

The TRU MBA program consists of 5000-level and 6000-level courses. Students complete all core courses and then choose an additional four electives to complete the course-based option of program completion or apply to complete the program by project or thesis.

Students may receive course waivers for 5000-level courses if the degree committee determines they have recent equivalent undergraduate or graduate course work in the area from an acceptable institution.

5000-level Core Courses

On Campus 5000-level Core Courses
BUSN 5010
Managerial Statistics (3,0,0)

BUSN 5010 Managerial Statistics (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students examine the statistical methods and tools required for decision making in today's business environment. Topics include descriptive statistics and numerical measures, statistical inferences with two populations, hypothesis tests and nonparametric methods, analysis of variance, simple regression models, multiple regression models, regression and the model building process, regression models with categorical dependent variables and applied models with categorical dependent variables.
Prerequisite: Admission to the GDBA or MBA or approval of degree committee
Note: Students may only receive credit for one of BUSN 5010, BUSN 5011 and GBUS 5010
For more information, search for this course here.

BUSN 5020
Financial Accounting (3,0,0)

BUSN 5020 Financial Accounting (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to understand financial statements. They analyze the many accounting policy choices available to companies, and the consequences of these choices for users. Topics include recording basic financial transactions, financial statement preparation, adjusting entries, accounting for receivables and inventories, depreciation and sale of capital assets, bonds and long-term debt, equity transactions, the cash flow statement, revenue and expense recognition, and leases and pensions.
Prerequisite: Admission to GDBA or MBA or approval of degree committee
Note: Students may only receive credit for one of BUSN 5020, BUSN 5021 or GBUS 5000
For more information, search for this course here.

BUSN 5030
Management Accounting (3,0,0)

BUSN 5030 Management Accounting (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students explore the three functions managers must perform within their organizations: planning operations, controlling activities and making decisions. To perform these functions efficiently, managers must collect and interpret appropriate information based on the firm ́s long-term strategy and annual objectives. Topics include an introduction to management accounting; costs and cost behaviours; job or project costing; activity-based costing; cost behaviour and the contribution margin; cost, volume, profit analysis; budgeting; budget variances and performance evaluation; performance measures and the balance scorecard; and short-term decision analysis.
Prerequisite: BUSN 5020 or equivalent
Note: Students may only receive credit for one of BUSN 5030, BUSN 5031 or GBUS 5030
For more information, search for this course here.

BUSN 5040
Economics for Managers (3,0,0)

BUSN 5040 Economics for Managers (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Student develop an understanding of the fundamental tools of economic analysis that are essential for understanding managerial decision-making. Microeconomic topics include demand and supply, elasticities, production and cost analysis in the short-run and long-run, market structures and pricing strategies. Macroeconomic topics include an examination of indicators, such as GDP, economic growth, interest rates, unemployment rates, and inflation, and an overview of fiscal and monetary policies.
Prerequisite: Admission to the Graduate Certificate in Business Administration
Corequisite: None
Note: Students may only receive credit for one of BUSN 5040, BUSN 5041 or GBUS 5050
For more information, search for this course here.

BUSN 5050
Marketing Management (3,0,0)

BUSN 5050 Marketing Management (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students examine the key principles and concepts of marketing in a variety of contexts including nonprofit, international, services, and environmental issues. Topics include marketing strategy, marketing research, customer relationship management, market segmentation, branding, pricing strategies, channels of distribution, integrated marketing communications, and international marketing.
Prerequisite: Admission to GDBA or MBA or approval of degree committee
Note: Students may only receive credit for one of BUSN 5050, BUSN 5051 or GBUS 5100
For more information, search for this course here.

BUSN 5060
Human Resource Management (3,0,0)

BUSN 5060 Human Resource Management (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students acquire the knowledge and skills required to effectively design and manage a human resource management system. Human resource management systems that are aligned with strategic objectives and more capable of attracting, deploying, developing and retaining human capital are key contributors to organizational competitiveness and success. Topics include the strategic role of human resource management; the legal environment; designing and analyzing jobs; planning and recruitment; selection; orientation and training; performance appraisal; compensation; employee benefits and services; occupational health and safety; effective employee relations; and labour relations, collective bargaining, and contract administration.
Prerequisite: Admission to GDBA or MBA or approval of degree committee
Note: Students may only receive credit for one of BUSN 5060, BUSN 5061 or GBUS 5140
For more information, search for this course here.

Online 5000-level Core Courses
BUSN 5011
Managerial Statistics

BUSN 5011 Managerial Statistics

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Distance

Students examine the statistical methods and tools required for decision making in today's business environment. Topics include descriptive statistics and numerical measures, statistical inferences with two populations, hypothesis tests and nonparametric methods, analysis of variance, simple regression models, multiple regression models, regression and the model building process, regression models with categorical dependent variables and applied models with categorical dependent variables.
Prerequisite: Admission to the GDBA or MBA or approval of degree committee
Note: Students cannot get credit for more than one of BUSN 5010, BUSN 5011, GBUS 5010-Applied Statistics
View course details.

BUSN 5021
Financial Accounting

BUSN 5021 Financial Accounting

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Distance

Students acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to understand financial statements. They analyze the many accounting policy choices available to companies, and the consequences of these choices for users. Topics include recording basic financial transactions, financial statement preparation, adjusting entries, accounting for receivables and inventories, depreciation and sale of capital assets, bonds and long-term debt, equity transactions, the cash flow statement, revenue and expense recognition, and leases and pensions.
Prerequisite: Admission to the GDBA or MBA or approval of degree committee.
Note: Students cannot get credit for more than one of BUSN 5020, BUSN 5021, GBUS 5000-Financial Reporting and Analysis.
View course details.

BUSN 5031
Management Accounting

BUSN 5031 Management Accounting

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Distance

Students explore the three functions managers must perform within their organizations: planning operations, controlling activities and making decisions. To perform these functions efficiently, managers must collect and interpret appropriate information based on the firm´s long-term strategy and annual objectives. Topics include an introduction to management accounting; costs and cost behaviours; job or project costing; activity-based costing; cost behaviour and the contribution margin; cost, volume, profit analysis; budgeting; budget variances and performance evaluation; performance measures and the balance scorecard; and short-term decision analysis.
Prerequisite: BUSN 5021
Note: Students cannot get credit for more than one of BUSN 5030, BUSN 5031, GBUS 5030-Financial Planning and Control Systems.
View course details.

BUSN 5041
Economics for Managers

BUSN 5041 Economics for Managers

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Distance

Student develop an understanding of the fundamental tools of economic analysis that are essential for understanding managerial decision-making. Microeconomic topics include demand and supply, elasticities, production and cost analysis in the short-run and long-run, market structures and pricing strategies. Macroeconomic topics include an examination of indicators, such as GDP, economic growth, interest rates, unemployment rates, and inflation, and an overview of fiscal and monetary policies.
Prerequisite: Admission to the GDBA or MBA or approval of degree committee.
Note: Students cannot get credit for more than one of BUSN 5040, BUSN 5041, GBUS 5050-Global Economics.
View course details.

BUSN 5051
Marketing Management

BUSN 5051 Marketing Management

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Distance

Students examine the key principles and concepts of marketing, and are introduced to marketing in a variety of contexts including not-for-profit, international, services, and environmental issues. Topics covered include marketing strategy, marketing research, customer relationship management, market segmentation, branding, products and services, pricing strategies, channels of distribution, integrated marketing communications, and international marketing.
Prerequisite: Admission to GDBA or MBA or approval of degree committee.
Note: Students cannot get credit for more than one of BUSN 5050, BUSN 5051, GBUS 5100-Marketing Management.
View course details.

BUSN 5061
Human Resource Management

BUSN 5061 Human Resource Management

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Distance

Students acquire the knowledge and skills required to effectively design and manage a human resource management system. Human resource management systems that are aligned with strategic objectives and capable of attracting, deploying, developing, and retaining human capital are key contributors to organizational competitiveness and success. Topics include the strategic role of human resource management; the legal environment; designing and analyzing jobs; planning and recruitment; selection; orientation and training; performance appraisal; compensation; employee benefits and services; occupational health and safety; effective employee relations; and labour relations, collective bargaining, and contract administration.
Prerequisite: Admission to GDBA or MBA or approval of degree committee.
Note: Students cannot get credit for more than one of BUSN 5060, BUSN 5061, GBUS 5140-Human Resource Management.
View course details.

Students who successfully complete each 5000-level course with an overall GPA of B (3.0) or better can apply to be awarded a Graduate Diploma in Business Administration.

6000-level Core Courses

On Campus 6000-level Core Courses
BUSN 6010
Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility (3,0,0)

BUSN 6010 Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students become more effective decision makers by examining the meaning and role of ethics in the business environment, and the social responsibility of business organizations. Topics include an introduction business ethics; framing business ethics in terms of corporate social responsibility, stakeholders and citizenship; evaluating business ethics using normative ethical theories; making decisions in business ethics using descriptive ethical theories; tools and techniques of business ethics management; business ethics and shareholders, employees, consumers, suppliers, competitors, civil society, government and regulation; the future of business ethics.
Prerequisite: Admission to MBA or approval of degree committee
Note: Students may only receive credit for one of BUSN 6010, BUSN 6011 or GBUS 5150
For more information, search for this course here.

BUSN 6020
Corporate Finance (3,0,0)

BUSN 6020 Corporate Finance (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students develop the knowledge and skills required to effectively manage a firm's operating and fixed assets, and to fund those assets with an optimal mix of short-term and long-term debt and equity financing. Topics include time value of money; goals of the firm, corporate governance and executive compensation; financial statement analysis; quality of earnings; maturity matching; short-term financial planning; capital budgeting; risk and return and stock valuation; bond valuation and interest rates; cost of capital; capital structure; and dividend policy. Prerequisites: BUSN 5010 AND BUSN 5030 AND BUSN 5040 or equivalent
Exclusion: Students cannot receive credit for more than one of BUSN 6020, BUSN 6021 or GBUS 5110
For more information, search for this course here.

BUSN 6030
International Business (3,0,0)

BUSN 6030 International Business (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students are introduced to the basic concepts of international business and competition from a manager's perspective. Topics include country differences in political economy, the cultural environment, ethics in international business, international trade theories, the political economy of international trade, foreign direct investment, regional economic integration, the foreign exchange market, the global monetary system, global strategy, global marketing and research and development, and global human resource management.
Prerequisite: BUSN 5040 and BUSN 5050 or equivalent
Note: Students may only receive credit for one of BUSN 6030, BUSN 6031 or GBUS 5120
For more information, search for this course here.

BUSN 6040
Leadership and Organizational Development (3,0,0)

BUSN 6040 Leadership and Organizational Development (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students adopt a systematic understanding of the characteristics of a successful leader and what is required by leaders to attune and align organizations to the ever-changing global business environment. Topics include new realities as a force for change; the prime task of leadership - identifying new realties; critical systems thinking; philosophies, theories, and styles of leadership; the systematic leadership approach; authority, obedience, and power; authority, power, leadership, and group dynamics; organizational behavior, group dynamics, and change; the shadow side of leadership; leadership and ethics; systematic leadership and strategy; and 'the leader in you'.
Prerequisite: BUSN 5060 or equivalent
Note: Students may only receive credit for one of BUSN 6040, BUSN 6041 of GBUS 5150
For more information, search for this course here.

BUSN 6050
Supply Chain Management (3,0,0)

BUSN 6050 Supply Chain Management (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students acquire the knowledge and basic skills to effectively design a supply chain for an organization. Topics include an introduction to supply chain, the importance of information technology, supply chain slacks, demand management, supply management, inventory management, production management, transportation management, location analysis, sourcing decisions, supply chain strategy, and an overview of special types of supply chains such as green and humanitarian aid supply chains.
Prerequisite: BUSN 5010 and BUSN 5030 or equivalent
Note: Students may only receive credit for one of BUSN 6050, BUSN 6051 or GBUS 5130
For more information, search for this course here.

BUSN 6070
Project Management and Consulting Methods (3,0,0)

BUSN 6070 Project Management and Consulting Methods (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students explore the concepts and practical techniques to apply consulting methods in their work and to participate in, or manage, complex projects. Topics include the five stages of the consulting process (entry and contracting, discovery and dialogue, analysis and the decision to act, engagement and implementation, and closing); analysis and presentation techniques; and an examination of the five major project process groups (project initiation, planning, execution, controlling, and closing).
Prerequisite: BUSN 6040 or equivalent
Note: Students may only receive credit for one of BUSN 6070, BUSN 6071 or GBUS 5210
For more information, search for this course here.

BUSN 6080
Strategic Management (3,0,0)

BUSN 6080 Strategic Management (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students examine the role of senior management in developing and implementing corporate strategy in a global context. They learn to analyze the firm's external and internal environment to identify and create competitive advantage, as well as to formulate, implement, and evaluate cross-functional decisions that directly affect the ability of an organization to achieve its stated objectives. Topics include an introduction to strategic management, measures of firm performance, analysis of the external and internal environments, business-level and corporate-level strategy, acquisition and restructuring strategies, international strategies, corporate governance, organizational structures and controls, strategic leadership, and corporate social responsibility and ethics.
Prerequisite: BUSN 6010, BUSN 6020, BUSN 6030, BUSN 6040 and BUSN 6050 or equivalent
Note: Students may only receive credit for one of BUSN 6080, BUSN 6081 or GBUS 5200
For more information, search for this course here.

BUSN 6250
Decision Analysis and Modelling (3,0,0)

BUSN 6250 Decision Analysis and Modelling (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students learn to integrate personal judgment and intuition in realistic business situations with the most widely applicable methodologies of decision and risk analysis, probability and statistics, competitive analysis, and management science. Topics include an introduction to decision analysis and modelling; spreadsheet engineering and error reduction; framing decision analysis problems; framework for analyzing risk; data analysis; resource allocation with optimization models; multi-period deterministic models; multi-factor deterministic models; regression modelling; strategic interactive decisions; and interpreting models, data, and decisions.
Prerequisite: BUSN 5010 and BUSN 5030 or equivalent
Note: Students may only receive credit for one of BUSN 6250 or BUSN 6251
For more information, search for this course here.

Online 6000-level Core Courses
BUSN 6011
Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility

BUSN 6011 Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Distance

Students become more effective decision makers by examining the meaning and role of ethics in the business environment, and the social responsibility of business organizations. Topics include the relationship between business and society; identifying stakeholders and issues; the theoretical basis of business ethics; business ethics in management and leadership; the concept of corporate social responsibility; corporate social responsibility in practice; regulating business; ownership and governance of the corporation; environmental and business responsibilities; globalization and business responsibilities; and ethics, responsibilities, and strategy.
Prerequisite: Admission to MBA or approval of degree committee.
Note: Students cannot get credit for more than one of BUSN 6010, BUSN 6011, GBUS 5150-Leadership and Ethics.
View course details.

BUSN 6021
Corporate Finance

BUSN 6021 Corporate Finance

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Distance

Students develop the knowledge and skills required to effectively manage a firm's operating and fixed assets, and to fund those assets with an optimal mix of short-term and long-term debt and equity financing. Topics include time value of money; goals of the firm, corporate governance and executive compensation; financial statement analysis; quality of earnings; maturity matching; short-term financial planning; capital budgeting; risk and return and stock valuation; bond valuation and interest rates; cost of capital; capital structure; and dividend policy. Prerequisites: BUSN 5011 or equivalent, BUSN 5031 or equivalent, BUSN 5041 or equivalent
Note: Students cannot get credit for more than one of BUSN 6020, BUSN 6021, GBUS 5110-Corporate Finance.
View course details.

BUSN 6031
International Business

BUSN 6031 International Business

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Distance

Students are introduced to the basic concepts of international business and competition from a manager's perspective. Topics include country differences in political economy, the cultural environment, ethics in international business, international trade theories, the political economy of international trade, foreign direct investment, regional economic integration, the foreign exchange market, the global monetary system, global strategy, global marketing and research and development, and global human resource management.
Prerequisite: BUSN 5041 or equivalent and BUSN 5051 or equivalent
Note: Students cannot get credit for more than one of BUSN 6030, BUSN 6031, GBUS 5120-International Business.
View course details.

BUSN 6041
Leadership and Organizational Development

BUSN 6041 Leadership and Organizational Development

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Distance

Students adopt a systematic understanding of the characteristics of a successful leader and what is required by leaders to attune and align organizations to the ever-changing global business environment. Topics include new realities as a force for change; the prime task of leadership – identifying new realties; critical systems thinking; philosophies, theories, and styles of leadership; the systematic leadership approach; authority, obedience, and power; authority, power, leadership, and group dynamics; organizational behavior, group dynamics, and change; the shadow side of leadership; leadership and ethics; systematic leadership and strategy; and 'the leader in you'.
Prerequisite: BUSN 5061 or equivalent
Note: Students cannot get credit for more than one of BUSN 6040, BUSN 6041, GBUS 5150-Leadership and Ethics.
View course details.

BUSN 6051
Supply Chain Management

BUSN 6051 Supply Chain Management

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Distance

Students acquire the knowledge and basic skills to effectively design a supply chain for an organization. Topics include an introduction to supply chain, the importance of information technology, supply chain slacks, demand management, supply management, inventory management, production management, transportation management, location analysis, sourcing decisions, supply chain strategy, and an overview of special types of supply chains such as green and humanitarian aid supply chains.
Prerequisite: BUSN 5011 or equivalent and BUSN 5031 or equivalent
Note: Students cannot get credit for more than one of BUSN 6050, BUSN 6051, GBUS 5130-Operations Management.
View course details.

BUSN 6071
Project Management and Consulting Methods

BUSN 6071 Project Management and Consulting Methods

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Distance

Students explore the concepts and practical techniques to apply consulting methods in their work and to participate in or manage complex projects. The topics include the five stages of the consulting process which include entry and contracting, discovery and dialogue, analysis and the decision to act, engagement and implementation and closing; analysis and presentation techniques; and examination of the five major project process groups which include project initiation, planning, execution, controlling and closing.
Prerequisite: BUSN 6041 or equivalent
Note: Students cannot get credit for more than one of BUSN 6070, BUSN 6071, GBUS 5210-Research and Consulting Methods.
View course details.

BUSN 6081
Strategic Management

BUSN 6081 Strategic Management

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Distance

Students examine the role of senior management in developing and implementing corporate strategy in a global context. They learn to analyze the firm's external and internal environment to identify and create competitive advantage as well as to formulate, implement and evaluate cross-functional decisions that directly affect the ability of an organization to achieve its stated objectives. Topics include an introduction to strategic management, measures of firm performance, analysis of the external environment, analysis of the internal environment, business-level strategy, corporate-level strategy, acquisition and restructuring strategies, international strategies, corporate governance, organizational structures and controls, strategic leadership, and corporate social responsibility and ethics.
Prerequisite: BUSN 6011 or equivalent, BUSN 6021 or equivalent, BUSN 6031 or equivalent, BUSN 6041 or equivalent, BUSN 6051 or equivalent
Note: Students cannot get credit for more than one of BUSN 6080, BUSN 6081, GBUS 5200-Strategic Management.
View course details.

BUSN 6251
Decision Analysis and Modeling

BUSN 6251 Decision Analysis and Modeling

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Distance

Students learn to integrate personal judgment and intuition in realistic business situations with the most widely applicable methodologies of decision and risk analysis, probability and statistics, competitive analysis, and management science. Topics include an introduction to decision analysis and modelling; spreadsheet engineering and error reduction; framing decision analysis problems; framework for analyzing risk; data analysis; resource allocation with optimization models; multi-period deterministic models; multi-factor deterministic models; regression modelling; strategic interactive decisions; and interpreting models, data, and decisions.
Prerequisite: BUSN 5011 or equivalent, BUSN 5031 or equivalent
Note: Students cannot get credit for more than one of BUSN 6250, BUSN 6251.
View course details.

Completion options

In addition to the 14 core courses in the MBA, all students must select one of three completion options for their MBA.

Course-based option

The course-based option provides students the opportunity to study four additional advanced management courses to complete their MBA program, providing them with a broader knowledge base.

On Campus Courses
BUSN 6060
Strategic Management Information Systems (3,0,0)

BUSN 6060 Strategic Management Information Systems (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students examine the ability of information technology to enhance the quality and efficiency of decision making by improving the various elements of the decision-making process and making data collection more cost effective. They also discover what every manager needs to know to leverage information systems for the design and implementation of business models in an organization. Topics include: introduction to information systems, organizational strategy and competitive advantage; overview of hardware and software; managing data, information and knowledge; computer networks; information systems in support of business operations; decision support systems and business intelligence; information systems for strategic advantage enterprise resource planning; World Wide Web, E-commerce and mobile commerce; management information systems development and acquisition; cybercrime, information security and controls; and ethics and privacy.
Prerequisite: Admission to MBA or approval of degree committee
Note: Students may only receive credit for one of BUSN 6060, BUSN 6061 or GBUS 5300
For more information, search for this course here.

BUSN 6150
Advanced Marketing Management (3,0,0)

BUSN 6150 Advanced Marketing Management (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students acquire the knowledge and skills required to develop, implement, and control successful marketing strategies. Topics include the art of case analysis; consumer behavior; marketing research and competitive analysis; marketing segmentation and position; market entry and pricing; retail selling, private labels, and channels of distribution; marketing communications; Internet marketing; corporate social responsibility and nonprofit marketing; sales management; and international marketing.
Prerequisite: BUSN 5050 or equivalent
Note: Students may only receive credit for one of BUSN 6150, BUSN 6151 or GBUS 5600
For more information, search for this course here.

BUSN 6210
Advanced Corporate Finance (3,0,0)

BUSN 6210 Advanced Corporate Finance (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Building on BUSN 6020: Corporate Finance, students continue to develop their knowledge and skills in corporate finance. Topics include long-term financial planning; sources of long-term financing; working capital management; sources of short-term financing; international corporate finance; risk management; business valuation; mergers and acquisitions; corporate restructuring; bankruptcy, reorganization, and liquidation; and economic value added.
Prerequisite: BUSN 6020 or equivalent
Note: Students may only receive credit for BUSN 6210, BUSN 6211 or GBUS 5400
For more information, search for this course here.

BUSN 6310
Innovation and Entrepreneurship (3,0,0)

BUSN 6310 Innovation and Entrepreneurship (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students acquire the knowledge and skills required to manage the development of innovations, to recognize and evaluate potential opportunities to monetize these innovations, to plan specific and detailed methods to exploit opportunities, and to acquire the resources necessary to implement plans. Topics include entrepreneurial thinking, innovation management, opportunity spotting and evaluation, industry and market research, business strategy, business models and business plans, financial forecasting and entrepreneurial finance, pitching to resource providers and negotiating deals, and launching new ventures.
Note: Students may only receive credit for one of BUSN 6310, BUSN 6311 or GBUS 5210
For more information, search for this course here.

BUSN 6950
Research Methods, Preparation, and Presentation (3,0,0)

BUSN 6950 Research Methods, Preparation, and Presentation (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students receive an overview of the scientific method, research preparation, and the styles of communication used to disseminate research at the graduate level. Topics include the role of business research, theory and the business research process, organization structure and ethical issues, defining a research problem, qualitative research tools, survey research, observation methods and experimental research, measurement and scaling concepts, sampling and sample size, working with data, quantitative statistical analysis, and writing a research report.
Prerequisite: BUSN 5010 or equivalent
Note: Students may only receive credit for one of BUSN 6950 or BUSN 6951
For more information, search for this course here.

BUSN 6910
Selected Topics in Business Administration (3,0,0)

BUSN 6910 Selected Topics in Business Administration (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students will focus on specific topics within the field of business administration not covered by regularly scheduled, required courses in the program. Course content will vary depending on the interests of faculty and students.
Prerequisite: Approval of degree committee
For more information, search for this course here.

Online Courses
BUSN 6061
Strategic Management Information Systems

BUSN 6061 Strategic Management Information Systems

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Distance

Students examine the ability of information technology to enhance the quality and efficiency of decision making by improving the various elements of the decision-making process and making data collection more cost effective. They also discover what every manager needs to know to leverage information systems for the design and implementation of business models in an organization. Topics include: introduction to information systems, organizational strategy and competitive advantage; overview of hardware and software; managing data, information and knowledge; computer networks; information systems in support of business operations; decision support systems and business intelligence; information systems for strategic advantage enterprise resource planning; World Wide Web, E-commerce and mobile commerce; management information systems development and acquisition; cybercrime, information security and controls; and ethics and privacy.
Prerequisite: Admission to MBA or approval of degree committee.
Note: Students cannot get credit for more than one of BUSN 6060, BUSN 6061, GBUS 5300-Strategic Management Information Systems.
View course details.

BUSN 6151
Advanced Marketing Management

BUSN 6151 Advanced Marketing Management

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Distance

Students acquire the knowledge and skills required to develop, implement, and control successful marketing strategies. Topics include the art of case analysis; consumer behavior; marketing research and competitive analysis; marketing segmentation and position; market entry and pricing; retail selling, private labels, and channels of distribution; marketing communications; Internet marketing; corporate social responsibility and nonprofit marketing; sales management; and international marketing.
Prerequisite: BUSN 5051
Note: Students cannot get credit for more than one of BUSN 6150, BUSN 6151, GBUS 5600-Advanced Marketing Management.
View course details.

BUSN 6211
Advanced Corporate Finance

BUSN 6211 Advanced Corporate Finance

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Distance

Building on BUSN 6020: Corporate Finance, students continue to develop their knowledge and skills in corporate finance. Topics include long-term financial planning; sources of long-term financing; working capital management; sources of short-term financing; international corporate finance; risk management; business valuation; mergers and acquisitions; corporate restructuring; bankruptcy, reorganization, and liquidation; and Economic Value Added.
Prerequisite: BUSN 6021 or equivalent
Note: Students cannot get credit for more than one of BUSN 6210, BUSN 6211, GBUS 5400-Advanced Corporate Finance.
View course details.

BUSN 6311
Innovation and Entrepreneurship

BUSN 6311 Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Distance

Students acquire the knowledge and skills needed to manage the development of innovations, to recognize and evaluate potential opportunities to monetize these innovations, to plan specific and detailed methods to exploit these opportunities, and to acquire the resources necessary to implement these plans. Topics include entrepreneurial thinking; innovation management; opportunity spotting and evaluation; industry and market research; business strategy; business models and business plans; financial forecasting and entrepreneurial finance; pitching to resource providers and negotiating deals; and launching new ventures.
Prerequisite: BUSN 6021 or equivalent
Note: Students cannot get credit for more than one of BUSN 6310, BUSN 6311, GBUS 5210-Business Research and Consulting Methods.
View course details.

BUSN 6951
Research Methods, Preparation, and Presentation

BUSN 6951 Research Methods, Preparation, and Presentation

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Distance

Students receive an overview of the scientific method, research preparation, and the styles of communication used to disseminate research at the graduate level. Topics include the role of business research, theory and the business research process, organization structure and ethical issues, defining a research problem, qualitative research tools, survey research, observation methods and experimental research, measurement and scaling concepts, sampling and sample size, working with data, quantitative statistical analysis, and writing a research report.
Prerequisite: BUSN 5011 or equivalent
Note: Students cannot get credit for more than one of BUSN 6950, BUSN 6951, GBUS 5210-Business Research and Consulting Methods.
View course details.

Graduate project option

The graduate project option provides MBA students the opportunity to address an applied management issue or problem. This option provides situational experience and allows the student to focus in a specific area of management of relevance to their interests, future goals, or organization. Students pursuing the project option must receive approval to enroll in the following courses:

On Campus Courses
BUSN 6950
Research Methods, Preparation, and Presentation (3,0,0)

BUSN 6950 Research Methods, Preparation, and Presentation (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students receive an overview of the scientific method, research preparation, and the styles of communication used to disseminate research at the graduate level. Topics include the role of business research, theory and the business research process, organization structure and ethical issues, defining a research problem, qualitative research tools, survey research, observation methods and experimental research, measurement and scaling concepts, sampling and sample size, working with data, quantitative statistical analysis, and writing a research report.
Prerequisite: BUSN 5010 or equivalent
Note: Students may only receive credit for one of BUSN 6950 or BUSN 6951
For more information, search for this course here.

BUSN 6970
Graduate Project

BUSN 6970 Graduate Project

Credits: 9 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students in the Graduate Project Option in the Master of Business Administration degree program prepare and defend a report that addresses a particular management issue or problem. The report is completed under the direction of a faculty member and evaluated by a project defence committee.
Prerequisite: BUSN 6950 or equivalent
Note: Students may only receive credit for one of BUSN 6970 or BUSN 6971
For more information, search for this course here.

Online Courses
BUSN 6951
Research Methods, Preparation, and Presentation

BUSN 6951 Research Methods, Preparation, and Presentation

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Distance

Students receive an overview of the scientific method, research preparation, and the styles of communication used to disseminate research at the graduate level. Topics include the role of business research, theory and the business research process, organization structure and ethical issues, defining a research problem, qualitative research tools, survey research, observation methods and experimental research, measurement and scaling concepts, sampling and sample size, working with data, quantitative statistical analysis, and writing a research report.
Prerequisite: BUSN 5011 or equivalent
Note: Students cannot get credit for more than one of BUSN 6950, BUSN 6951, GBUS 5210-Business Research and Consulting Methods.
View course details.

Graduate thesis option

The graduate thesis option provides MBA students the opportunity to prepare and defend a thesis, further developing critical thinking skills as well as academic research skills. Increasingly, doctoral programs in business require applicants to have a strong research background at the masters level. Students contemplating a doctorate are advised to pursue the thesis option. Students pursuing the thesis option must receive approval to enroll in the following courses:

On Campus Courses
BUSN 6950
Research Methods, Preparation, and Presentation (3,0,0)

BUSN 6950 Research Methods, Preparation, and Presentation (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students receive an overview of the scientific method, research preparation, and the styles of communication used to disseminate research at the graduate level. Topics include the role of business research, theory and the business research process, organization structure and ethical issues, defining a research problem, qualitative research tools, survey research, observation methods and experimental research, measurement and scaling concepts, sampling and sample size, working with data, quantitative statistical analysis, and writing a research report.
Prerequisite: BUSN 5010 or equivalent
Note: Students may only receive credit for one of BUSN 6950 or BUSN 6951
For more information, search for this course here.

BUSN 6960
Graduate Thesis

BUSN 6960 Graduate Thesis

Credits: 12 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students in the Graduate Thesis Option in the Master of Business Administration degree program prepare and defend a thesis in accordance with the policies established by the Research, Innovation, and Graduate Studies Office. The thesis is completed under the supervision of a faculty member and a thesis supervisory committee and evaluated by a thesis defence/examining committee.
Prerequisite: BUSN 6950 or equivalent
Note: Students may only receive credit for one of BUSN 6960 or BUSN 6961
For more information, search for this course here.

Online Courses
BUSN 6951
Research Methods, Preparation, and Presentation

BUSN 6951 Research Methods, Preparation, and Presentation

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Distance

Students receive an overview of the scientific method, research preparation, and the styles of communication used to disseminate research at the graduate level. Topics include the role of business research, theory and the business research process, organization structure and ethical issues, defining a research problem, qualitative research tools, survey research, observation methods and experimental research, measurement and scaling concepts, sampling and sample size, working with data, quantitative statistical analysis, and writing a research report.
Prerequisite: BUSN 5011 or equivalent
Note: Students cannot get credit for more than one of BUSN 6950, BUSN 6951, GBUS 5210-Business Research and Consulting Methods.
View course details.

Please note:

  • Graduate projects and theses are subject to the policies and practices of the Research and Graduate Studies Office. Once in the MBA program students can apply for the project or thesis option of completion.
  • Students must find their own supervisor
  • Project and thesis options may take longer than 12 months as needed for successful completion.


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