Admission of Students Sponsored by a Federal or Provincial Agency who Potentially Pose a Safety Risk Policy BRD(23) 1-4
Please see for the latest policy and regulations.
- The University College of the Cariboo (UCC) seeks to develop individuals by expanding their capabilities for responsible citizenship, vocational competence and intellectual and social growth. Notwithstanding the UCC Mission Statement which encourages life-long learning and social skills, students must meet minimum admission standards with respect to both academic and behavioural requirements.
- With regard to the above, UCC must consider the overall safety of the general UCC community. It therefore reserves the right to assess the suitability of potential students both academically and behaviourally for our diverse and complex social milieu.
- In the case of a potential student who is referred by a federal or provincial government agency and who poses a risk to the safety of anyone on the UCC campus, the referral agency shall provide to UCC, prior to the admission of such student, such information, on a confidential basis, as the law permits. Federal or provincial government agencies include those related to mental health, social services, parole and probation. Without restricting the generality of the foregoing, this requirement will apply to potential students who have committed violent and/or sexual assaults.
- Such information shall be presented by the referral agency to the President of UCC, whose duty it is to determine the admissibility of the potential student. Should the UCC decision be that admission would place any sector of the UCC community at risk, then admission may be denied. The decision to admit or reject admission shall be in the sole discretion of the President.
- Should admission be granted, staff at UCC will be informed on a "need to know" basis protecting individual confidentiality while informing staff who have direct contact with the student. In the event a student is to be admitted, precautions shall be put in place, in consultation with the referral agency, so as to best protect and ensure the safety of all members of the UCC community.