Please see for the latest policy and regulations.
The University College of the Cariboo (UCC) is dedicated to the proposition that the citizens of its region should be able to obtain the maximum educational benefit possible from their community college subject to the limitations of government policy and the resources available. This belief has led the Board of Governors to adopt what has come to be known as an "open door" policy with respect to the various programs available. What "open door" really means is that UCC has the responsibility to try to arrange a program of studies for any adult student which will, if followed successfully, ultimately lead that student to his or her chosen program.
A limited number of UCC courses and programs have no previous educational pre-requisites and can be entered directly.
Other UCC courses and programs have educational and/or general pre-requisites which must be met by applicants prior to admission. Once applicants have these pre-requisites, admission takes place on a "first come, first served" basis. This means that applicants are admitted in the order of the dates on which UCC receives all required admission documentation from the student.
Some limited capacity programs admit students on a "selective" basis. This means that applicants must meet specific educational and general pre-requisites and are then evaluated to assess their potential for success in the program. The applicants judged to be best qualified for success in the program are then admitted.