Directed Studies, Service Learning and Research Learning Courses Policy ED(24) 2-2
Please see for the latest policy and regulations.
The University College of the Cariboo (UCC) recognizes that students may request permission to take individually supervised studies (directed studies courses) as part of a program leading to a certificate, diploma or degree. Such courses are intended to provide students with an opportunity beyond the usual curriculum to investigate or work on specific topics and projects related to their program of studies.
Programs offering directed studies/service learning/research learning courses must have UCC educational approval to offer such courses as outlined in Policy and Regulations ED(24) 8-2. As well, directed studies courses must comply with Policy and Regulations ED(24) 8-0.
Before registering for directed studies/service learning/research learning courses, students must have the written approval of a faculty supervisor, Department Chair and Dean, and, where applicable, a designated individual at the affiliated university.
- Students must have the agreement of a UCC faculty member to supervise the individualized/group learning project.
- After consulting with the proposed faculty supervisor, students must submit a description of the course or project on the approved form to the Department Chair for approval. This material must then be forwarded to the Dean for his or her approval.
- The description of the course or project will include a topic of project title, a list of learning objectives, major content or task areas, a list of resources to be used (texts, bibliography, etc.), evaluation techniques, a supervision schedule, a start date, and a completion date.
- Approval will be granted when the proposed study meets the usual academic requirements (breadth, depth, rigour) for a course at the specified level in the program (e.g. third year course in the specific degree program).
- Programs and departments may determine specific eligibility requirements (e.g. minimum GPA, fourth year standing) for directed studies courses in their area.
- The requirements of specific degree programs may include the approval of the affiliated university as well as UCC approval.
- Students must register for Directed Studies/Service Learning/Research Learning Courses following the usual registration procedures by providing a copy of the written approval form at registration.
- Supervising faculty members will submit a grade to the Registrar's Office upon completion of the course.