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Services for Students with Disabilities – Policy BRD(23) 10-0 (currently under review)

Please see for the latest policy and regulations.



The University College of the Cariboo (UCC) is committed to providing opportunities for students with disabilities to meet their educational goals within the framework of UCC's educational mandate, its budgetary limitations and BC Human Rights Legislation.

UCC's objective is to provide persons with disabilities the same rights, responsibilities, opportunities and respect as all other learners. This objective can be accomplished through providing direct support services and facilitating an accessible physical environment that encourages the participation and success of students with disabilities.

Funds received by UCC for the provision of services to students with disabilities shall be used for the purpose intended. UCC will also support other initiatives to improve physical and academic access to UCC for students with disabilities.

Policy Statement

  1. UCC will take a proactive approach in providing persons with disabilities the information and counselling services necessary to successfully access our programs and support services.
  2. UCC will endeavour to provide technical aides for students with disabilities within the resources available.
  3. UCC will work with the student to try to resolve any safety concerns for the student or others. Such concerns will be addressed within the framework of the student's Individual Educational Plan (IEP). If the safety issue cannot be resolved, UCC will offer counselling to recommend alternative options for the student. UCC reserves the right to withhold admission or progression of the student when the safety issue is not resolvable.
  4. UCC will provide information for staff, faculty, administration and board members to increase the awareness of the needs of persons with disabilities.
  5. UCC expects all students to meet program/course pre-requisites. Where, because of a disability, pre-requisites cannot be met through usual methods, alternative ways may be used to prove competency.
  6. UCC expects students to be responsible for the achievement of educational outcomes consistent with program standards.
  7. UCC expects students to request services in a timely fashion. Support services (accommodations) provided by UCC may include:
    1. carboned paper provided for peer notetaking;
    2. separate setting for exams/text writing;
    3. time extension for exams/tests;
    4. reader or scribe/typist for exams/tests;
    5. tutor;
    6. use of word processor for writing exams/tests;
    7. use of spell checker for written work;
    8. referral for adaptive technology;
    9. sign language interpreters;
    10. alternative format textbooks;
    11. speech recognition software.


  1. UCC through the Office for Services to Student with Disabilities (OSSD) requires:
    1. verification of a student's disability prior to the provision of services. Verification is the responsibility of the student;
    2. the student to complete an Individual Educational Plan (IEP) to help achieve their individual educational goal;
    3. the student to complete and sign a consent for release of information agreement to be used to develop the IEP.
  2. If a student with a learning disability requests services and does not have documentation, or has documentation older than 3-5 years, a new assessment will be required depending on the present age of the student. The student will:
    1. be referred to a learning specialist for an educational assessment and
    2. be assisted with tutorial support for one semester pending the results of the assessment.
  3. UCC will recommend alternative programs, courses or educational opportunities to the student, if admission is not possible.
  4. UCC is not able to provide Personal Care Attendants.
  5. UCC will provide parking Decals for the Disabled Parking areas.
  6. Students with disabilities may request accommodations or support services by means of an Individual Educational Plan (IEP) to help achieve their educational goals.

    Implementation of an IEP

    1. The Coordinator of OSSD will arrange a meeting time with the Dean, Associate Dean or Chairperson and faculty to review potential accommodations in the IEP.
    2. The impact of the student's disability and the provisions/accommodations necessary will be discussed.
    3. Once the accommodations have been formulated, the student and instructors will sign the IEP form indicating that each is aware of the provisions in the plan.
    4. If a learning disability exists, a learning specialist employed by UCC will also attend the IEP meeting.
  7. Accommodation for Examinations may be provided as follows:
    1. The student shall notify the OSSD office of his or her exam schedule in order for space to be booked to accommodate the individualized writing of an examination.
    2. The student must pick up the exam request form from the OSSD, deliver it to the instructor ensuring the form returns to the OSSD at least 5 working days prior to writing of the exam.
    3. The instructor will complete the exam form in detail as discussed in the IEP, and either give it to the student to return to the OSSD or return it to the OSSD within 5 working days prior to writing of the exam.
    4. The instructor (or secretary) will sign a form when the exam is returned to his or her office and return the form to the OSSD.

In order to put services such as interpreting, adaptive equipment and alternative format textbooks in place, students are requested to contact OSSD at least 3 months prior to commencement of studies at UCC. The time factor involved is crucial to permit the OSSD and other agencies enough lead time to provide these services.

The provision of these services and technology is dependent on their availability.

UCC will inform applicants who require special assistance because of a disability to contact OSSD upon application for admission.

See Also

Student Academic Policies, Regulations and Procedures

Academic Achievement Awards–Policy ED(24) 9-1

Academic Honesty – Policy ED(24) 5-0

Academic Recognition - Policy ED(24) 3-4

Admission of Students Sponsored by a Federal or Provincial Agency who Potentially Pose a Safety Risk – Policy BRD(23) 1-4

Admission of Students who are not Graduates from Programs Accredited by a Province or Territory – Policy BRD(23) 1-2

Admissions – Policy BRD(23) 1-0

Appeals – Policy BRD/ED(25) 4-0

Cancellation of Classes – Policy BRD(23) 14-0

Change Of Address

Confidentiality Of Student Records


Course Changes

Course Exemptions

Course Numbering And Definitions

Course Prerequisites

Course & Program Repeaters – Policy ED(24) 3-3

Credit & Non-Credit Courses – Policy BRD/ED(25) 8-1

Debarment of Students – Policy BRD(23) 7-0

Directed Studies, Service Learning and Research Learning Courses – Policy ED(24) 2-2

Educational Standards in Credit Courses and Programs – Policy ED(24) 8-0

Examinations – Policy ED(24) 3-9

Faculty Office Hours – Policy ADM 14-1

General Conduct

Grading System – Policy ED(24) 3-5

Grades - Calculation of Grade Point Average

Grades - Statement of Grades

Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition – Policy ED(24) 2-0

Satisfactory Academic Progress – Policy ED(24) 3-2

Scheduling of Course Conflicts – Policy ED(24) 3-6

Selected Topics and Special Topics Courses – Policy ED(24) 2-3

Smoking – Policy ADM 5-2

Student Admission Status – Policy BRD(23) 1-1

Student Attendance – Policy ED(24) 3-1

Student Classification

Student Complaints

Student Responsibilities

Summer Session

Transcripts of Academic Record


Types of Degrees – Policy BRD(23) 16-0

UCC Entrance Scholarships – Policy ED(24) 9-0

Visiting Student Status – Policy BRD(23) 1-3

Waitlist – Policy ED(24) 3-7

Withdrawals – Policy ED(24) 3-0