Please see for the latest policy and regulations.
The University College of the Cariboo (UCC) wishes to recognize that students may arrive at UCC from a variety of educational experiences. However, UCC also recognizes the need to establish realistic entrance criteria. Therefore, UCC will admit students based on objective measures of performance where the student is not a graduate of a program accredited by British Columbia or one of the other provinces.
Policy BRD(23) 1-1 on Mature Student Admissions provides that students less than twenty years of age will not be admitted under the mature student policy, but outlines a commitment to individual assessment for those who have been out of school for one year.
This policy outlines a procedure for students of normal school-leaving age who are not graduates of provincially-accredited programs.
Students of normal school-leaving age who request admission to UCC and who do not qualify under mature student status and who do not possess certification from a provincially-accredited program may be required to:
Underage students will normally be referred to their local secondary school for high school completion and certification.