Please see for the latest policy and regulations.
The University College of the Cariboo (UCC) is committed to maintaining and enhancing the cleanliness of indoor air in order to help create a healthy workplace for employees and students.
In order to achieve this, smoking will not be permitted within UCC buildings and vehicles as per City of Kamloops "Clean Indoor Air" Bylaw #24-26.
No person shall smoke in any part of a University College of the Cariboo (UCC) building or vehicle.
No smoking is permitted within 25 feet of building entrances.
The sale of any smoking materials on UCC campuses or in UCC buildings is not permitted.
All prospective UCC employees and students shall be informed of this policy and regulations by means of the various publications and signs in place at UCC.
It is the responsibility of supervisors to enforce these regulations among employees. Repeated violations will be reported through supervisory channels to the relevant Dean or Director or designate, who shall inform the Vice-President, Finance and Administration.
It is the responsibility of all employees to enforce these regulations among students, and to report repeated violations to the relevant Dean or Director or designate, who shall inform the Vice-President, Finance and Administration.