Please see for the latest policy and regulations.
In order to achieve uniform standard and comparability across UCC, standard letter grading systems shall be established. All final official grades shall be assigned and reported according to this letter grade system.
UCC grading systems are established for the purpose of reporting official course outcomes, and are not intended to limit ways in which an instructor may choose to provide feedback to students during a course or program.
To assist instructors with the determination of the appropriate final letter grade, this policy provides instructors with a numerical percentage range for each letter grade.
Each letter grade has a numeric grade point value assigned which is used to provide for a UCC based term and cumulative term grade point average.
Letter grades do not become official until they appear on the student's transcript. Instructors may notify students of unofficial course grades, but Divisions and Departments reserve the right to correct or adjust unofficial grades in order to maintain equity among sections and ensure conformity with Divisional, Departmental and UCC-wide norms.
Academic/Career/Developmental Programs |
Letter |
Numerical |
Grade |
Letter Grade Definitions |
A+ A A- |
90 - 100 85 - 89 80 - 84 |
4.33 4.00 3.67 |
Excellent. First Class Standing. Superior Performance showing comprehensive, in-depth understanding of subject matter. Demonstrates initiative and fluency of expression. |
B+ B B- |
77 - 79 73 - 76 70 - 72 |
3.33 3.00 2.67 |
Very Good. Second Class Standing. Clearly above average performance with knowledge of principles and facts generally complete and with no serious deficiencies. |
C+ C |
65 - 69 60 - 64 |
2.33 2.00 |
Satisfactory. Basic understanding with knowledge of principles and facts at least adequate to communicate intelligently in the discipline. |
C- |
55 - 59 |
1.67 |
Pass. Some understanding of principles and facts but with definite deficiencies. |
D |
50 - 54 |
1.00 |
Minimal Pass. A passing grade indicating marginal performance. Student not likely to succeed in subsequent courses in the subject. |
F |
0 - 49 |
0.00 |
Unsatisfactory. Fail. Knowledge of principles and facts is fragmentary; or student has failed to complete substantive course requirements. |
0.00 |
Did not complete the course - no official withdrawal or less than 50% of course work completed. |
Vocational Trades/Non-Trades Programs |
Letter |
Numerical |
Grade |
Letter Grade Definitions |
A+ A A- |
98 - 100 94 - 97 90 - 93 |
4.33 4.00 3.67 |
Excellent. First Class Standing. Superior Performance showing comprehensive, in-depth understanding of subject matter. Demonstrates initiative and fluency of expression. |
B+ B B- |
86 89 82 85 78 - 81 |
3.33 3.00 2.67 |
Very Good. Second Class Standing. Clearly above average performance with knowledge of principles and facts generally complete and with no serious deficiencies. |
C+ C |
74 - 77 70 - 73 |
2.33 2.00 |
Satisfactory Pass. Basic understanding with knowledge of principles and facts at least adequate to communicate intelligently in the discipline, but with definite deficiencies. |
F |
0 - 69 |
0.00 |
Unsatisfactory. Fail. Knowledge of principles and facts is fragmentary; or student has failed to complete substantive course requirements. |
Competency-Based Programs |
Letter |
Numerical |
Grade |
Letter Grade Definitions |
A |
94 - 100 |
4.00 |
Excellent. First Class Standing. Superior Performance showing comprehensive, in-depth understanding of subject matter. Demonstrates initiative and fluency of expression. |
B |
87 - 93 |
3.00 |
Very Good. Second Class Standing. Clearly above average performance with knowledge of principles and facts generally complete and with no serious deficiencies. |
C |
80 - 86 |
2.00 |
Satisfactory Pass. Basic understanding with knowledge of principles and facts at least adequate to communicate intelligently in the discipline, but with definite deficiencies. |
F |
0 - 79 |
0.00 |
Unsatisfactory. Fail. Knowledge of principles and facts is fragmentary; or student has failed to complete substantive course requirements. |
Transcript Notations |
Transcript Notation |
Title |
Definition/Comment |
Audit |
No credits granted. |
Course in Progress |
Indicates regularly scheduled one semester course is still being completed with final grade to follow. |
Complete |
Assigned when competency-based work component, practica/work placements or pass/fail courses are completed. |
Continuing |
Multiple semester course - course continues into the next semester(s). |
Deferred |
Regularly scheduled course work has not been completed but instructor and student agree on completion at a later date. Becomes DNC after 6 weeks. |
No Credit Granted |
Used in competency-based courses to indicate course or program standard has not been met. |
Prior Learning Assessment |
Assessment and evaluation of learning gained through other formal and non-formal activities with equivalent credit being granted. |
W |
Withdrawal |
Initiated by a student within specified date(s) or granted for medical reasons. |
Aegrotat |
A pass standing based on satisfactory term marks but student has been unable to complete all course requirements due to disabling illness or other circumstances. This standing is awarded, only if, the course instructor and the Dean agree that the student has demonstrated the capacity to deal with course material satisfactorily. |