All new course numbers or changes to existing course numbers must be approved by the Registrar's office prior to being sent to the Education Planning and Program Review (EPPR) Committee.
Course Numbering
e.g.) English 121
First Digit—Indicates year level at which the course is usually taken. Course numbers beginning with a "1" are first year courses. Second year courses begin with a "2". English 121 is therefore a first year course.
Second and Third Digit—Identifies the course.
Hours of Instruction
e.g.) (3,1,3)
The brackets (3,1,3) indicate the weekly hours of instruction for the course. The first digit inside the bracket indicates the number of lecture hours per week, the second digit indicates seminar hours per week, and the third digit indicates laboratory hours per week. The above example, therefore, would have 3 hours of lecture, 1 hour of seminar and 3 hours of laboratory per week for a total of 7 hours of instructor contact time each week. "L" indicates a lab and in nursing courses, a "P" following the third digit indicates a clinical practicum.
e.g.) (3 credits)
The credits for a course are indicated following the course vectoring/hours of instruction.