Please see for the latest policy and regulations.
The University College of the Cariboo (UCC) recognizes that although most students experience no concerns regarding their education, some occasionally experience problems with interpretations of UCC policy or procedures by UCC staff. While most differences can be resolved by an open and frank discussion with the people concerned, a process is required whereby students may bring forward for formal review, matters that have not been resolved to their satisfaction.
An appeal is an internal hearing for the purpose of reviewing and resolving matters of concern raised by students.
The process of appeal is student-initiated and can be terminated at any time by the student.
Save under exceptional circumstances that in the opinion of the President of the University College affect the welfare of a number of students, the process outlined in this policy and its attendant regulations shall be followed.
Appeal hearings shall be closed meetings, and all parties to the appeal shall ensure confidentiality of all information reviewed and discussed during the hearing.
Within 14 days of receiving an Appeal Committee decision, either the appellant or respondent may make a final appeal to the President. Grounds for such appeals shall be limited to denial of natural justice or violation of due process as set out in this Policy and Regulations. The decision of the President shall be final and binding.
Notwithstanding this Policy, suspensions of students may be appealed to the Board of Governors as set out in the College and Institute Act.
All other rules and procedures shall be as set out above.
Each member of the Appeal Committee, with the exception of the Chair, shall have one vote in rendering a decision.
Membership on Appeal Committee Panels normally shall be for a period of two years. Terms of service shall be arranged such that one-half expire as of September 1 in each academic year.