Students admitted to UCC are classified as follows:
A student who meets the entrance requirements of the program in which she/he is enrolled, and who registers for at least 3/5 (60%) of a regular program of work each semester is classified as a full-time student. e.g. An academic student would have to be registered in at least 9 credits (3/5 x 15) to be classified as full time.
A student who registers for less than 3/5 (60%) of a regular full program will be classified as a part time student.
It is not necessary for auditors to meet academic requirements for admission or to submit transcripts of previous education with the application form. Regular tuition fees are charged for all courses audited. An auditor does not receive credit for the course. A grade of "AUD" is posted.
Students who register to audit a course must satisfy the instructor that they are taking reasonable steps to complete course requirements, although no formal evaluation procedures are required. If in the judgement of the instructor a student is not doing this, a grade of W will be recorded.
Students must meet with the instructor at the commencement of the course, or before a change to "Audit" status, to agree on what constitutes reasonable steps to complete course requirements. Students who wish to change from Credit to Audit status must do so by the end of the second week of the semester.
Since Audit students do not have to satisfy prerequisites for entry into a particular course, departments that have courses with activities that involve potential safety issues (i.e., clinical, laboratory or experiential activities) have the right to refuse an Audit student's participation in these activities.