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Withdrawals – Policy ED(24) 3-0

Please see for the latest policy and regulations.


The University College of the Cariboo (UCC) Board recognizes that students may withdraw from their courses for a wide variety of reasons. Because of the possible impact on their educational future, students are urged to seek counselling before making a decision to withdraw from a course or program. In the event of a student deciding to withdraw from a course or program, the following deadlines apply:

  1. The withdrawal date is the last day of the eighth instructional week for one-semester courses and the last day of the third instructional week in the second semester of two-semester courses;
  2. Students in semestered programs may withdraw from their entire program up to the last day of instruction in the semester;
  3. Students who miss either of the deadlines listed above will receive a grade of 'F' or 'DNC' unless they can satisfy the Registrar that they have suffered illness or domestic affliction or circumstances beyond their control, which have prevented them from withdrawing from their courses within the relevant deadline. This decision of the Registrar is subject to appeal (see Policy BRD/ED(25) 4-0).
  4. The last day to change from a semestered section of a course to an independent study section of the same course is eight weeks into the semester.
  5. Withdrawal dates for Summer Sessions or intersession courses shall be prorated to the end of the nearest full week based on the one semester withdrawal policy.

See Also

Student Academic Policies, Regulations and Procedures

Academic Achievement Awards–Policy ED(24) 9-1

Academic Honesty – Policy ED(24) 5-0

Academic Recognition - Policy ED(24) 3-4

Admission of Students Sponsored by a Federal or Provincial Agency who Potentially Pose a Safety Risk – Policy BRD(23) 1-4

Admission of Students who are not Graduates from Programs Accredited by a Province or Territory – Policy BRD(23) 1-2

Admissions – Policy BRD(23) 1-0

Appeals – Policy BRD/ED(25) 4-0

Cancellation of Classes – Policy BRD(23) 14-0

Change Of Address

Confidentiality Of Student Records


Course Changes

Course Exemptions

Course Numbering And Definitions

Course Prerequisites

Course & Program Repeaters – Policy ED(24) 3-3

Credit & Non-Credit Courses – Policy BRD/ED(25) 8-1

Debarment of Students – Policy BRD(23) 7-0

Directed Studies, Service Learning and Research Learning Courses – Policy ED(24) 2-2

Educational Standards in Credit Courses and Programs – Policy ED(24) 8-0

Examinations – Policy ED(24) 3-9

Faculty Office Hours – Policy ADM 14-1

General Conduct

Grading System – Policy ED(24) 3-5

Grades - Calculation of Grade Point Average

Grades - Statement of Grades

Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition – Policy ED(24) 2-0

Satisfactory Academic Progress – Policy ED(24) 3-2

Scheduling of Course Conflicts – Policy ED(24) 3-6

Selected Topics and Special Topics Courses – Policy ED(24) 2-3

Services for Students with Disabilities – Policy BRD(23) 10-0 (currently under review)

Smoking – Policy ADM 5-2

Student Admission Status – Policy BRD(23) 1-1

Student Attendance – Policy ED(24) 3-1

Student Classification

Student Complaints

Student Responsibilities

Summer Session

Transcripts of Academic Record


Types of Degrees – Policy BRD(23) 16-0

UCC Entrance Scholarships – Policy ED(24) 9-0

Visiting Student Status – Policy BRD(23) 1-3

Waitlist – Policy ED(24) 3-7