Examinations Policy ED(24) 3-9
Please see www.cariboo.bc.ca/policy/index.html for the latest policy and regulations.
- 'Mid-term examinations' are exams held during the instructional portion of the semester, whereas 'final examinations' are those exams held in the formally scheduled examination period which occurs at the end of each semester.
- Students are responsible for checking the final examination schedule which shall be posted each semester by the Registrar, and for advising the Registrar of any conflicts within the schedule. Attendance at a scheduled final examination is mandatory, and the onus is on the student to seek remedy for a missed final exam.
- In general, only illness and domestic affliction will be considered as valid reasons for a missed final exam. In cases where, in the judgment of the Registrar, other circumstances clearly beyond the control of the student have led to a missed final exam, consideration may also be granted.
- Examinations
- Mid-term examinations shall be given only in class times as described in the course schedules and shall not exceed the times assigned for each class unless otherwise mutually agreed with the Instructor and students.
- No single mid-term examination shall exceed 30% of the final grade.
- In the last week of instruction, no course may include an examination which makes up more than 15% of the student's final grade, with the exception of laboratory examinations.
- A meaningful proportion of course evaluation must be provided to the student prior to the last day to withdraw from a course in each semester.
- Final examinations shall not exceed 50% of the final grade.
- Scheduling of Final Examinations, Semesterized Courses
Final examinations in semesterized courses shall be scheduled only during the prescribed final examination period, which shall commence no sooner than 48 hours after the last day of classes.
- Steps to be Taken in the Event of a Missed Mid-Term Examination
- In the event a student misses a mid-term examination, the student should:
- Contact the Instructor prior to the exam, if at all possible, informing the Instructor of the particular situation and attempt to reschedule the exam or arrive at another mutually acceptable solution.
- Inform the Instructor as soon after the missed mid-term examination as possible and attempt to devise a mutually acceptable resolution.
- Generally, domestic affliction or illness will be accepted as reasons to miss a mid-term examination; however, instructors have latitude to accept other legitimate reasons.
- Steps to be Taken in the Event of a Missed Final Examination
- In the event that a student misses a final examination for illness or domestic affliction and wishes to seek a remedy, the student shall report this fact to the Instructor within two working days from the date of the scheduled final exam, if s/he wishes to seek a remedy.
- In the event that a student received prior information that illness or domestic affliction will result in a missed final examination, the student should inform the Registrar immediately.
- In any case in which a student claims that circumstances beyond the student's control have caused the student to miss all or part of a final examination or to miss the deadline for requesting a remedy for a missed final examination, the student shall report these circumstances, in writing, to the Registrar as soon as possible after their occurrence.
- In all cases in which a student seeks remedy for missed final examinations, the Registrar may require a medical certificate or other substantiating documents by way of validation. When, in the judgment of the Registrar, the student's reason is invalid, the student shall be refused any further remedy. The Registrar's decision may be appealed under the Appeals Policy, BRD/ED(25) 4-0.
- Upon receipt of a valid reason for a missed final examination, the Registrar shall notify the Department concerned that an application for remedy has been made.
- In consultation with the Instructor and Department Chair, the Registrar will either:
- Arrange for a suitable final examination which shall be provided and marked by the appropriate instructional department; or
- In exceptional circumstances and after due consultation with the Instructor and Department Chair, grant the student a standing in, and full credit for, the course based on the student's achievement.