Please see for the latest policy and regulations.
In recognition of the resulting opportunities to enhance the breadth and depth of their studies, students enrolled in programs at The University College of the Cariboo (UCC) may be approved to undertake study as "Visiting Students" at other post-secondary institutions.
Students from other institutions may be permitted to enroll in UCC courses if they meet relevant UCC course and program requirements. Visiting students at UCC should obtain appropriate permission from their home institutions to ensure that credit for UCC work is accepted at those institutions.
UCC students who wish to enroll at other institutions must obtain, in advance, a "Letter of Permission" from the appropriate UCC Dean, after the Dean has consulted with the appropriate faculty member, if they wish those courses to receive credit at UCC. This permission is subject to established UCC program requirements.
A maximum aggregate of 30 UCC credits or equivalent may be acquired through study as a Visiting Student.
Each Visiting Student must arrange to have the Registrar at the other institution send an official transcript of the student's performance as a Visiting Student to the UCC Records Office. In addition, each student must submit, in writing, a request that the Records Office apply the credit to their UCC record and must include a copy of the Letter of Permission with the request.
Consistent failure to apply himself to his course of studies. Students may appeal such a decision to the UCC Board.