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Student Admission Status – Policy BRD(23) 1-1

Please see for the latest policy and regulations.


  1. Age Requirements
    1. Regular Admission Status

      University College of the Cariboo (UCC) courses are intended for students aged 17 and over. Applicants are eligible for admission provided they meet all general and educational prerequisites. Students under the age of 17 may be admitted under special circumstances, at the discretion of the Registrar.

    2. Mature Admission Status

      An applicant who is at least 19 years of age and out of school for two years who lacks program admission requirements will be considered by the instructional department for admission under Mature Student status. Program requirements may be waived but individual course requirements normally must be met.

    3. Foreign Student Admission Status

      UCC shall not normally admit any Foreign Student who will be less than 17 years of age at the commencement of instruction. Exemptions to this shall be at the discretion of the Registrar.

    4. Senior Citizen Status

      Senior citizens shall be those students aged 65 years and older.

    5. Special Admission Status

      UCC programs may establish categories for Special Admission, where it is judged that previous training and/or work experience is adequate to provide a potential for success in the program. In some instances challenge examinations may be used to aid in assessment. General procedures for such admissions require the approval of the Vice-President, Academic. Individual admission decisions will be made by the Registrar, in consultation with the relevant department chairperson.

      Under exceptional circumstances, applicants less than 19 years of age who do not meet entrance requirements may be assessed by the instructional department on an individual basis for the purposes of admission.

  2. Citizenship Requirements
    1. Canadian Citizens

      Canadian citizens and landed immigrants are eligible for admission to all UCC programs and courses.

    2. Foreign Students

      Foreign students in possession of a valid Student Authorization may be admitted to all programs and courses, subject to the International Education Policy BRD/ED 12-0.

    3. Individuals Without Student Authorization

      Individuals who are in Canada under the provisions of an immigration authorization other than a Student Authorization will be allowed to register in UCC courses as follows:

      1. Refugee Status

        To be admitted in the same manner as a Canadian citizen. Can attend both credit and non-credit courses at regular tuition rates.

      2. Refugee Claimant, Work Visa or Visitor's Visa

        Eligible to attend only non-credit courses, or English as a Second Language (ESL) courses at regular rates if, prior to acceptance by UCC, a letter from Canada Immigration is presented indicating an "authorization" or "no objection to the person attending."


Procedures for Admission Interviews

The following procedures are to be followed in those programs which require interviews for admission.

  1. All interview candidates shall be given reasonable notice of date, time, place and duration of the interview.
  2. All eligible program candidates will be interviewed as follows:
    1. Interviews will be conducted by a panel of two or more interviewers, one of whom must be a UCC staff member. Interviewers may be faculty, administrators, students, graduates or community professionals as deemed appropriate by the Dean or the Dean's delegate. Attempts will be made to prevent any potential conflict of interest for panel members.
    2. The same questions should be asked of all candidates. Elaboration and or clarification of response is encouraged.
    3. Each interview shall be scheduled to be of the same length of time.
    4. Interviews shall be culturally and gender sensitive.
  3. The same criteria, scoring and evaluation system must be used for each candidate. A record of each interview will be kept for twelve months following the interview.
  4. Interview questions should be as objective as possible.
  5. Evaluation criteria for interviews will be clearly established, written, and relevant to program objectives. At the request of a candidate they will be made available in advance of the interview.
  6. Depending on the objectives of the interview, individual or group interviews may be employed.
  7. Applicants should be notified in writing within a reasonable period of time as to their admission status as a result of the interview:
    1. accepted into the program;
    2. wait listed;
    3. not accepted.
  8. A statement of reasons for acceptance or rejection will be provided to the candidate upon her or his request.
  9. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Appeals policy, students may request interview notes or other information pertaining to their own interview up to twelve months from the date of the interview.
  10. Upon an applicant's request, a second interview may be granted through the Program Coordinator or Department Chair for the following reasons:
    1. extenuating personal circumstances;
    2. procedural difficulties;
    3. constitution of the panel.

See Also

Student Academic Policies, Regulations and Procedures

Academic Achievement Awards–Policy ED(24) 9-1

Academic Honesty – Policy ED(24) 5-0

Academic Recognition - Policy ED(24) 3-4

Admission of Students Sponsored by a Federal or Provincial Agency who Potentially Pose a Safety Risk – Policy BRD(23) 1-4

Admission of Students who are not Graduates from Programs Accredited by a Province or Territory – Policy BRD(23) 1-2

Admissions – Policy BRD(23) 1-0

Appeals – Policy BRD/ED(25) 4-0

Cancellation of Classes – Policy BRD(23) 14-0

Change Of Address

Confidentiality Of Student Records


Course Changes

Course Exemptions

Course Numbering And Definitions

Course Prerequisites

Course & Program Repeaters – Policy ED(24) 3-3

Credit & Non-Credit Courses – Policy BRD/ED(25) 8-1

Debarment of Students – Policy BRD(23) 7-0

Directed Studies, Service Learning and Research Learning Courses – Policy ED(24) 2-2

Educational Standards in Credit Courses and Programs – Policy ED(24) 8-0

Examinations – Policy ED(24) 3-9

Faculty Office Hours – Policy ADM 14-1

General Conduct

Grading System – Policy ED(24) 3-5

Grades - Calculation of Grade Point Average

Grades - Statement of Grades

Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition – Policy ED(24) 2-0

Satisfactory Academic Progress – Policy ED(24) 3-2

Scheduling of Course Conflicts – Policy ED(24) 3-6

Selected Topics and Special Topics Courses – Policy ED(24) 2-3

Services for Students with Disabilities – Policy BRD(23) 10-0 (currently under review)

Smoking – Policy ADM 5-2

Student Attendance – Policy ED(24) 3-1

Student Classification

Student Complaints

Student Responsibilities

Summer Session

Transcripts of Academic Record


Types of Degrees – Policy BRD(23) 16-0

UCC Entrance Scholarships – Policy ED(24) 9-0

Visiting Student Status – Policy BRD(23) 1-3

Waitlist – Policy ED(24) 3-7

Withdrawals – Policy ED(24) 3-0