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Cancellation of Classes – Policy BRD(23) 14-0

Please see for the latest policy and regulations.


  1. The Board of Governors believes that the instructional process is extremely important and views the unnecessary cancellation of classes as a very serious matter. In general, no cancellation of classes or any scheduled instructional activity should occur unless covered by relevant clauses in the current collective agreement or by policy governing leave. The only exceptions are where circumstances beyond the control of an Instructor make it imperative that such a scheduled instructional activity be cancelled.
  2. If an Instructor must cancel any scheduled instructional activity (e.g. class, lecture, seminar, lab, etc.) these steps will be followed in all cases:
    1. The Instructor will notify the relevant department Chairperson as soon as it becomes apparent he or she must cancel the scheduled instructional activity. Notification may be done in person or by telephone. Where the Chairperson is not immediately available, a message for the Chairperson left with the department secretary will be considered acceptable notice.
    2. Having notified the department Chairperson verbally, the Instructor will complete a class cancellation report within 24 hours of cancellation or return to work (whichever comes first) and forward it to the Chairperson who will send copies to the division Director and the Vice President.

Division Directors will keep a file of all such notifications and forward a report on them once each semester to the Vice President.


If an instructor must cancel any scheduled instructional activity (e.g. class, lecture, seminar, lab, etc.) these steps will be followed in all cases:

  1. The instructor will notify the relevant department Chairperson and/or secretary or designate as soon as it becomes apparent he or she must cancel the scheduled instructional activity. Notification may be done in person or by telephone or e-mail. Where the Chairperson is not immediately available, a message for the Chairperson left with the department secretary or designate will be considered acceptable notice.
  2. Students should be notified of the class cancellation.

Having notified the department Chairperson verbally, the instructor will complete a class cancellation report within 24 hours of cancellation or return to work (whichever comes first) and forward it to the Chairperson who will send a copy to the Dean.

See Also

Student Academic Policies, Regulations and Procedures

Academic Achievement Awards–Policy ED(24) 9-1

Academic Honesty – Policy ED(24) 5-0

Academic Recognition - Policy ED(24) 3-4

Admission of Students Sponsored by a Federal or Provincial Agency who Potentially Pose a Safety Risk – Policy BRD(23) 1-4

Admission of Students who are not Graduates from Programs Accredited by a Province or Territory – Policy BRD(23) 1-2

Admissions – Policy BRD(23) 1-0

Appeals – Policy BRD/ED(25) 4-0

Change Of Address

Confidentiality Of Student Records


Course Changes

Course Exemptions

Course Numbering And Definitions

Course Prerequisites

Course & Program Repeaters – Policy ED(24) 3-3

Credit & Non-Credit Courses – Policy BRD/ED(25) 8-1

Debarment of Students – Policy BRD(23) 7-0

Directed Studies, Service Learning and Research Learning Courses – Policy ED(24) 2-2

Educational Standards in Credit Courses and Programs – Policy ED(24) 8-0

Examinations – Policy ED(24) 3-9

Faculty Office Hours – Policy ADM 14-1

General Conduct

Grading System – Policy ED(24) 3-5

Grades - Calculation of Grade Point Average

Grades - Statement of Grades

Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition – Policy ED(24) 2-0

Satisfactory Academic Progress – Policy ED(24) 3-2

Scheduling of Course Conflicts – Policy ED(24) 3-6

Selected Topics and Special Topics Courses – Policy ED(24) 2-3

Services for Students with Disabilities – Policy BRD(23) 10-0 (currently under review)

Smoking – Policy ADM 5-2

Student Admission Status – Policy BRD(23) 1-1

Student Attendance – Policy ED(24) 3-1

Student Classification

Student Complaints

Student Responsibilities

Summer Session

Transcripts of Academic Record


Types of Degrees – Policy BRD(23) 16-0

UCC Entrance Scholarships – Policy ED(24) 9-0

Visiting Student Status – Policy BRD(23) 1-3

Waitlist – Policy ED(24) 3-7

Withdrawals – Policy ED(24) 3-0