Please see for the latest policy and regulations.
The University College of the Cariboo (UCC) offers entrance scholarships to students who complete Grade 12 in secondary schools which are within the UCC region and which offer programs consistent with the goals of the British Columbia curriculum as defined by the Ministry of Education.
One award will be offered annually to a graduate of each eligible school who the school believes best exemplifies leadership qualities and general excellence in her or his program of study.
One UCC Entrance Scholarship in the form of a complete tuition waiver, plus a lab fee waiver to a maximum of $400, covering two semesters or a non-semesterized period of study of a minimum of four months and a maximum of ten months in length, will be made available annually to an outstanding graduate of each provincially-accredited secondary school in the UCC region who is entering UCC in a credit program for the first time and who registers in at least sixty percent (60%) of a full course load for credit.
The school will be responsible for choosing the recipient from full-time Grade 12 students who have applied for admission to UCC and who have high academic standing (B average minimum). The school will use whichever selection process it deems fit.
The school will be responsible for notifying the recipient of his/her selection and for providing UCC's Financial Aid and Awards Office with the recipient's name at least ten days prior to the presentation date.
The school may provide UCC with up to two names of qualified alternate nominees, in rank order, in case the recipient does not register.
The recipient will be issued a congratulatory letter from UCC's Financial Aid and Awards Office, together with information on the process for securing the award. The presentation will be made at each school graduation or awards ceremony by a UCC representative.
The recipient must formally accept the award. Acceptance is for a program which commences in the immediately ensuing academic year unless otherwise approved due to special circumstances. For purposes of this program, the summer session is not deemed to form part of the academic year.
If special circumstances exist, such as the recipient being medically unfit or being the recipient of a Rotary Exchange or similar scholarship, UCC may, at the discretion of the Financial Aid and Awards Office, defer the period for acceptance for a maximum of one year. Deferral for the sake of taking a year off will not be considered.
If the recipient accepted the scholarship but failed to register at UCC by the last day for payment of fees for the appropriate semester or period of study, the award will be cancelled. The Financial Aid and Awards Office will advise the student in writing to this effect. The award will then be offered to an alternate nominee, in the order ranked by the school, provided he or she registers at UCC within the original time covered by the award. If there is no designated alternate, or if none of the designated alternates accepts, the award will be forfeited for that year.
Should a UCC Entrance Scholarship winner withdraw during the first semester or first half of the period of study for which the award is granted, the balance of the award will be cancelled.
Approval of the second portion of the scholarship will be conditional upon the recipient's passing a minimum of sixty percent (60%) of a full course of study with a 2.50 grade point average or equivalent (C+ to B- standing) over the period covered by the first part of the award. Recipients who fail to meet the academic standing requirement will forfeit the second portion of their scholarship and will be advised in writing of the requirement to pay the balance of their tuition and fees for the year. The Academic Standing requirements set forth herein will be included in the Acceptance Form provided to scholarship nominees.
A copy of these Regulations will be provided to each eligible school in the University College region.